Welcome to Wednesday everyone! Hope you’re making progress with whatever you’re working on while continuing the mundane aspects of everyday life. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all just do the hobbies we love all the time and not worry about work? Then again maybe what makes our hobbies more enjoyable is the fact the time we spend doing them is precious. Hmm…something to think about for the day.
I’ve been working on the cross stitch project and attempting to get as much finished as possible. Might even manage to have to finished by the end of the month! Exciting isn’t it?
The flash didn’t cooperate with me for this picture so everything’s a little blown out. The center is a lot more vibrant than it’s coming across here. But the important part is that little bit of white space up at the top. I’ve filled in a few white spaces since the last picture but by this time next week you should be able to see major progress. What do you think of this pattern so far? I’m still not sure about it yet. I want to wait and see how it all comes together. I’ve also managed to finish Stiff by Mary Roach. As someone who isn’t normally a fan of non-fiction books this one definitely held my interest and I’m looking forward to seeing how my students react to it in the spring. There were a few things about it that bothered me, but I’ll leave those for the big review (so keep an eye out for that coming in the next few weeks). It was a little gruesome, and if you have a weak stomach I’d advise not reading it shortly before or after you eat, but if you’re interested in what happens to your body after you die or what happens if you donate your body to science, it’s a real eye opener with all kinds of fun facts you’ll be glad you can pull out when conversation starts to lag (or if you’re looking to end a conversation quickly).The next book I’m starting is one that’s been on my “to-read” list since it first came out and while I’m excited to finally read it I am a little worried it’s not going to live up to all the hype. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green is a book that pretty much everyone who reads it loves. I’ve made it about one chapter into the book and am enjoying it so far, but still worried I’m not going to fall as in love with it as I want to. It’s still early though, so we’ll see. Anyone read the book that has something they’d like to say about it? Leave a comment.
Also, I have some ideas for my next project but am having a little trouble committing, I’ve narrowed it down to two. Which one do you think I should start next?