Well, I was going to try something different this week but the lack of time has rendered that a moot point. I’m going to try again next week, but I thought I’d just tell you about it and then we’ll all have something to look forward to.
Instead of filling up three days a week with a single quote I’m going to cut the quotes back to three times a day on Tuesdays and create new posts for Thursdays and Saturdays. As you all know if you’ve followed the blog for a while I really like tv shows and movies (especially when I have time to watch them), so I wanted to add something like that to the blog. So, Thursday is going to be the “end of the week movie to watch”. I’m going to try and find them all on netflix or hulu so they’re easily available to stream should you want to take a chance on a movie you’ve yet to see or one you want to watch again.
Saturdays I’m going to try and do something a little different. I”m calling it “Behind the Book”. I have all these old books that I’m saving for future children, important people, classrooms, etc.. but they’re more than just books to me. Every book has a story inside of it, written on the pages, but also a story surrounding it. How you got the book, what happened while you were reading it, what you did once you finished. Its a cool idea. I’m going to try and find a new book for every Saturday and tell my story behind it. Ideally what I’d like to do is turn it into a rotating author piece, so people submit a picture of them with the book and their “behind the book” story. I won’t have much time to publicize it until the summer, but if you think it’s something you might be interested writing a piece or two for (I’m thinking 300-600 words) let me know either through the email or in the comment.

It actually looks like I’ve made progress this week!
And I’ve got some progress for you!
I got sick of working with the dark blues so I decided to go back and fill in all the stars. Makes the sky look a lot more completed than it was before. I can almost fool myself into thinking the pattern is starting to take shape. I just wish I could move things along a little faster…