I know I have been missing for a long time. I just wanted to tell you all that I am very much alive and happy but a little tired with the changes happening with me.
I am going to be a mommy and V is going to be a daddy.
Isn't it a good news? Please send your loads of best wishes and prayers because I need them. A lot is happening with me during this period.
1. My first trimester is like an exchange of good hormones with the wild ones. My stomach makes me feel crazy, I want to eat something and the next minute I am throwing up after a sniff of the food. Crazy, huh? But it happens.
2. I saw my little darling last Saturday for the first time and heart the heat beats. It feels like miracle and I want to shove my head inside my stomach to see that beautiful thing. Wish it was possible but I can understand how creepy it would be for the baby. It would think mommy is lunatic!!
3. I get double love from V now. Once I ask him to love the baby, he touches my stomach and talk to the baby. The moment he is finished with his baby talks, i ask him to love the mommy too. So, he does the same like he did to baby. Nice!! Keep doing it V.
4. I got my first ultrasound in 5 weeks 2 days and saw nothing except the G-sac. Some doctors might scare you (to be mommies) and say it might be negative sign and there could not be any baby. don't cry your heart out like I did. Wait for at least 5 more weeks and you would get the same happiness with tears which I got.
5. In India, we are asked not to tell anyone for at least 3 months that you are pregnant. I can't stop myself and I feel like telling to everyone I love and I know they love me too and they would be equally happy. If you want, do it. Feel happy, this is the mantra.
If you want I can tell you the progress week by week but only if it is requested because I know I try to cover shopping, makeup and all things like that.
Don't forget to enter this cool giveaway to buy Stalk.Buy.Love awesome, trendy pieces. Hurry!!
I know, I am yet to announce the winner for Maybelline Superstay 14 Hr Lipstick winner. I'll do it before this weekend, promise.
I forgot to add one more point in above 5 points that, during pregnancy I am kind of slacking and don't feel like doing things that i liked doing before. Those things are -
- Shopping - Blogging - Reading magazine - Eating anything and everything - washing face, I bather because I don't want people run away from me. - I received first every fashion show invitation for MYOHO collection and I missed it. Because I am kind claustrophobic these days. - I always visit Kalka ji temple once in a month. It's kind of a necessity for me. But I didn't visit it in last 3 months.
First 3 points may sound you weird but it's really happening and I can't help. God!!
Your comments, suggestions and wishes are welcome. Please send them!!
Hugs and Kisses from Jiya