Also it often pays by piecework now, so the Hispanics can often make a lot of money out in the fields. There is a corresponding rise in meth use by migrant workers in order to do their piecework faster. Mexican legal immigrants with green cards and US citizens (there are huge numbers of these people around here) continue to work in the fields as this is what they have always done. At times even the children of illegals (US citizens), who incidentally are often gang-associated, work in the fields! Around here I know a number of former gang associates aged 18-23 who are now happily working in the fields as this is young man’s work. They are US citizens, born in the US.
Yes Whites won’t work in the fields, but Mexicans will, and that includes illegal, legal and citizen Mexicans.
The crime rate rises as illegals displace working class Whites.
Housing becomes scarce and prices rise as illegals cause a demand rise in housing prices. Gangs proliferate, usually the children of the illegals and not the illegals themselves. It’s a lie that illegals are criminals or mostly criminals. Most are just workers, and they often work very hard. They are just simple, backwards peasants from a 3rd World country. They really have no business in a first world country. The criminal and gang element instead comes from the children of the illegals.Crime is often property crime. Business that hardly had a break-in before now suffer very frequent burglaries. A lot of the property crime is petty as Mexicans tend to be 2-bit, penny ante low value thieves who prefer to steal little stuff like a $25 hubcap or a $30 phone charger. You must lock your doors in a Mexican town or your car will be burglarized because Mexicans love to break into cars. After several years in a Mexican town all of your hubcaps will be stolen because Mexicans steal hubcaps.
There is some violent crime in my town but not a whole lot. Most serious violent crime like homicide is done by legal residents, often gang member children of illegals. I am not aware of much sex crime around here. I know one guy who suffered an attempted robbery at 9:30 PM, but it was a cheap penny ante shakedown by a teenage gang type US citizen, and the kid did not even have the knife he claimed to have.
There are also beatings, muggings and robberies of paisas which is what the illegal migrant workers are called around here. These happen from 10 PM – 3 AM. The muggings are carried out by local gang members and associates. Paisas are targeted because they carry large amounts of cash around with them and are often walking around very drunk late at night carrying up to a couple hundred dollars. Roll a drunken paisa in an alleyway at 3 AM and score $200. That’s the typical violent crime around here. I do not think that the drunken paisas are injured very often in these robberies. The gangsters just knock them down and take their money. They just want money. They don’t want to really hurt them.Anyway from White to illegal Hispanic is a transformation that might be best termed a decline. There is a general decline in the city or town that is hard to put your finger on, but is a combination of all of the things above. The decline is not severe or catastrophic, and many Hispanic towns are quite livable, but that fall is quite notable. I do not understand why we need to import a population that causes a decline in towns and cities. Why?
It would be wrong to say the Mexicans recreate Mexico because they do not. The resulting city is typically not Mexico Norte. Why this is is not known, but it seems just living in the US causes Mexicans to act a lot better than they act in Mexico. People assimilate to culture. In Mexico, Mexicans assimilate to a horrible culture called Mexican culture. Here they assimilate more towards a much better culture called American culture. They do not fully assimilate upwards, but it’s good enough. Instead what you end up with is what I might call “a somewhat upgraded version of Mexico.” It’s not the nightmare horror called Mexico, but it’s neither that great city on the hill called the USA. It’s something in between.
The city remains livable especially if there are still quite a few Whites (especially moneyed Whites) around to keep the ship afloat. There are enough Whites around to more or less run things and keep the show from badly falling apart, which is what typically happens here in California when a town nears 100% Hispanic. This is an agricultural region, and many of the White farmers around here are wealthy. There are many farmer mini-mansions on the outskirts of town. At 25-30% White, an Hispanic town full of illegals is still livable if the Whites have money.
The Whites have enough competence and money to keep the show running and they encourage competence in the Hispanic employees and citizens below them by example. Hispanics are not necessary bad citizens of employees but they need guidance. As long as a city has that certain level Whites around to maintain society and keep the Hispanics acting pretty good by example, the decline is quite attenuated.