Politics Magazine

Mexican Indians Are Not a Problem in the US Or in Mexico

Posted on the 02 February 2018 by Calvinthedog

Trash: Mexican Indians of certain tribes would be a close second (to US ghetto Blacks).

Mexican Indians do not really act bad at all. We have lots of them around here and they cause almost no problems whatsoever. They are these short, dark, rather squat, very reserved,  and stoic ancient  people with ancient village traditions that go back forever. The men are, very masculine in a sense of being tough as nails and stoical but almost androgynous in another sense of being almost painfully quiet and passive to an extent that is nearly feminine.

They are very relaxed, and you often see two Mexican Indian men walking down the street with their arms around each other. That’s not considered gay at all. Gender roles are quite a bit more relaxed than with mestizos. I hear some of those Indian cultures down there even accept their local version of transvestites and some of those Indian cultures are nearly matriarchies. Women are everywhere running everything. They run outdoor markets for instance.

Of course, they have a terrible problem with alcohol. You can see them late at night sometimes stumbling around drunk. In fact, some of the local gang punks I knew around here had made a habit out of “rolling paisas.” The “paisas” are the Mexicans who barely speak English, often Indian. “Paisa” basically means an illegal immigrant. They work heavily in the fields so much so that they have monopolized them and are hostile to others who try to work there.

One of my White friends worked in the fields for a bit, but he said the work was very hard and there was no way to keep up with the paisas, who had it down somehow. Also the paisas had monopolized the fields, and they let Whites know they were unwanted.  They would try to drive you off the job. There was quite good money to be made on piecework if you worked extremely fast. Some of the paisas are now using meth out in the fields to work faster.

The gangsters would go out at 3 AM after bars closed and look for “paisas to roll.” They would see one stumbling down an alleyway drunk (they are mostly on foot and many have no cars) at 3 AM after the bars let out. They would roll him by hitting him and knocking  him over and  then rifling his pockets for money. Paisas typically do not have bank accounts because they are illegals, so they keep all of their earnings in their pockets all of the time (they get paid in cash). They paisas are typically not badly injured in these attacks, but they might lose $300. Also they will not go to the police because they were drunk and illegals are scared of going to the police.

For the most part, they simply will not talk to you even if you try to talk to them. Some of them still speak their Indian languages, which sound completely insane and nothing like Spanish. I was walking by a store one night and I saw several Indian men in a circle speaking what sounded very much like Chinese! I asked them in Spanish, what language they were speaking, and although they did not want to talk to me, they said Trique. Trique sounds Chinese because it has tones like Chinese and other East Asian languages. I even asked them in Spanish how well the different Trique languages could understand each other. They answered, but their basic attitude was, “Get lost.”

There is not much crime in their villages either. They deal pretty harshly with criminals there. A lot of the women are not pretty, particularly as they age as they age very poorly. But some of the young women are strikingly beautiful, although there is a tendency to be fat. Those hot young Mexican Indian women will not have anything to do with a White man. They won’t talk at me or look at me or anything. They seem to only date Indian men.

The whole problem with Mexicans comes from mestizos, many of whom are 50-70% White. It’s not really a race thing with Mexicans so much. More like a culture that is pure crap, like Black culture. It’s not nearly as bad as Black culture, but I don’t like Mexican or Chicano (Mexican-American) culture, sorry. It’s just not for me. I have grown up around it my whole life, and I don’t like it. Some of my best friends growing up were Mexican or half-Mexican. I even had Mexican girlfriends are dated half-Mexican teenage girls. They were both 15 years old. I later had a 1/4 Mexican girlfriend. But all of those people pretty much just acted like White people. They had fully assimilated into ordinary California American culture. One 15 year old girl was into Chicano culture, but it was not that bad back then. She was a gang girl, and she used to fight other girls! Haha! She sure was devoted though. Too bad I only knew her for a weekend.

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