Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Mercury and Sun Conjunct Altair - Bold, Independent and Being Decisive.

By Solarisastro @solarisastro


These aspects are starting to form running from now through until Monday/Tuesday 21st/22nd January

We have Mercury and the Sun moving together through the skies now and when one hits a star, the other follows straight afterwards. On entering Aquarius, these planets hit Altair, the star in Aquila the constellation of the Eagle. As I have mentioned before, Altair is a bold star of movement and bravery, one which is linked to strength, military matters and taking decisive action. Robson says of the Altair Sun connection that it brings honour, favours from superiors, many friends but losses and possible ill health. Mercury's link can bring difficulties, misfortune and problems on long journeys.

One immediately thinks of the Algerian hostage situation and the French air raids over Mali which continue to move on apace. This is a time for taking the lead in a situation, fast thinking and making bold decisions, but these can be rash and counter-productive if you haven't completely thought through your plans of action.

The moral of this story is use these conjunctions wisely and you can make strides forward. Use them recklessly and you might find yourself having to go back to the drawing board...

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