Career Magazine

Mercedes Benz C Class W205 Shock Absorber Tower and Chassis Arm Replacement on Celette Bench

Posted on the 18 August 2022 by Dubai City Company @iqdubaicity

Repair of damaged Mercedes Benz C Class W205 on Celette Straightening System, right chassis arm and cast aluminum shock absorber tower were replaced by applying manufacturer standards within the framework of Mercedes Repair Catalog (WIS) procedure.

This video was made by our partner in Turkey @Bakırcı garagineering

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In 1953 Germain Celette invented the world’s first car frame machine / frame rack and car straightening bench for repairing passenger, later also for SUV’s, commercial vehicles, trucks, buses and trams. Celette also invented several car measuring systems such as METRO 2000, NAJA 3D measuring system and the latest EAGLE measuring system. Celette offers a full range of car tools for repairing chassis or unibody such as car dedicated jigs or car universal jigs system -CAMELEON. Celette car frame machine / car bench are considered as the most accurate in the collision repair. Celette car straightening equipment or truck straightening equipment is perfect for light, medium and major structural repair processes . Celette is also famous for its car floor system which can repair any car or truck. With the new demands of the insurance companies who want to be assured of the accuracy of the repair process, Celette provides the best solutions with its car frame machines and car bench, with car dedicated jigs, car universal jig system, car electronic measuring system, car laser measuring system and car straightening systems.

Celette also offers a range of equipment for heavy duty repairing, with truck frame machine, truck frame rack or truck straightening system and can also repair truck on frame machine with truck clamps or truck universal jigs.

For nearly 70 years Celette has been developing new tools for the collision repair industry: frame machines, frame racks, measuring systems, universal jig system and car body straightening equipment.

Frame machine/ Frame rack: with its famous bench Sevenne, Celette provides to the Collision center the best straightening equipment with several working lengths, with single lift, multiple lifts or on wheels. Celette also provides some car lifting platforms, and car lifting table for cosmetic, smart, light, medium and heavy repair. Everyday we are still improving the efficiency and comfort of our straightening system, and frame straightening machine which are efficient and ergonomic

OEM approved measuring systems: Car Data base is also one of Celette’s main goals. We have the 3D original CAD drawings from most of the automotive OEM, and so we collect data in order to provide the collision repair industry the best and most accurate car data base. The measuring tools are the METRO 2000 measuring system, the NAJA 3D measuring system which is an electronic measuring system or computerized measuring system, and the EAGLE, which is a laser computerized measuring system and have the most approvals and homologations worldwide.

Universal jig systems: with the MZ system Celette provides the choice between dedicated jigs and universal jigs. Our patented universal jig solution CAMELEON is the latest Celette product developed by our R&D department, it is used in collaboration with our NAJA database which is the largest in the world. You can measure and repair most of the cars and most of the brands with our online computerized measuring system database. Universal jig system will soon be available to be used on all different platforms, car bench, lifting platform and straightening bench.

Welding equipment: Celette provides to the bodyshops and the collision centers a complete range of welding and riveting equipment for all kinds of materials such as steel, aluminum, carbon fiber etc.

Truck straightening system: Celette provides two kinds of chassis straightening systems for the truck repair processes and the bus / tram repair process with BPL or MAMOUTH system. Celette is also able to provide you with the right tools to repair truck cabins with the MENYR system.

Celette also offers the car floor system: SYSTEM 5000.


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