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Memories of Ireland

By Therelishedroost
I am so happy to say that I will be returning to the great country of Ireland in late June of this year! I have not been there in 36 years..wow, that pains me to even type those words!  I did live there for several months when I was 5 years old, and those were the best memories of my childhood! I returned at the age of 12 but things had already changed, as I had lost my Grandfather, the old cottage was gone and Ireland already began to modernize.
Returning will be bittersweet as we have lost more of our wonderful Irish clan, my two beloved Uncles passed in the last few years and they were the true characters of Ireland! Nonetheless, I want my girls to see and experience the land that I loved and where I spent some of my best days as a child. We will be staying around the Ring of Kerry this time and will briefly visit Birr and Tullamore to see family. I cannot wait!

Here are a few of my very favorite spots that I still remember from my childhood. Erin Go Bragh and may the luck of the Irish grace all of you this fine day!

Memories of Ireland

The favorite photo of myself on the left and my sister Lisa, already a big dog lover!!

Memories of Ireland

I loved Birr Castle, I pretended that I owned it as my sister and I ran a muck throughout it's ground!

Memories of Ireland

Memories of Ireland

Memories of Ireland

Memories of Ireland

Memories of Ireland

Birr is such a quaint town! My Mom would actually hitch hike with us as she didn't drive and we would always find a lift to town, can you imagine that happening here!! Once there, we would go straight away to get a vanilla soft cone with a Flake  bar stuck right in the middle of it, just like the one below that I was thrilled to find in London!

Memories of Ireland

Memories of Ireland

Although my grandfathers house is gone I was happy to find one very much like it online and this one is in Fivealley, N. Birr just where my grandfathers was!

Memories of Ireland
Another tid bit about Birr is was featured in the wonderful Oscar Nominated Philomena!

Memories of Ireland

Do make it a point to visit Ireland , you wont be sorry I promise!
Credits: The Relished Roost, Wikipedia, Birrcastle

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