Books Magazine

Media For the Middle of Your Week

By Crossstitchyourheart @TMNienaber

Movie of the week? My Sucky Teen Romance  because in a world where every is obsessed with teenagers, vampires, and falling in love what’s another teen-vampire-falls-in-love movie?

When college-bound Kate decides to spend her last weekend with her hometown friends at a sci-fi convention, she doesn’t expect romance to figure in. But after falling for a teen vampire she meets there, Kate soon finds herself fang-deep in trouble. (Summary from Netflix, where you can watch instantly)

Now, I’m a vampire fan in the Dracula, Bela Lugosi, Lost Boys, killing things with lots of gore and no redeeming features sense of the word.  The whole sparkling vampire-vegetarian thing has never really appealed to me.  When I saw this

Media For the Middle of Your Week
movie advertised on Chiller last week I was both intrigued and cautious.  This isn’t the best movie in terms of acting, budget, directing, etc… but the story is both classic vampire horror and a touching teen love story without crossing lines into Twilight territory.

I enjoyed this movie immensely, there was even a scene mocking twilight fans that had me laughing so hard I cried.  It might not make your list of scare-fest screamers for the summer, but it’ll make your Saturday afternoon go by faster..

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