Politics Magazine

Media Control in the Wet Is Complete

Posted on the 07 April 2016 by Calvinthedog


Robert, do you think we’re going to see a Revolution? Can the Judeo-Anglo-American system be destroyed?

No, because no one cares, one,  and the media control is 100% complete, two. How many papers* are for Trump? How many papers opposed even one of these trade deals? How many papers are pro-labor union? How many papers are opposed the groovy conservatism called “fiscal conservatism?” How many papers opposed this insane new Cold War with Russia? How many papers oppose the confrontation with Iran and Hezbollah? How many papers are pro-Palestinian? How many papers opposed the insanity in Iraq and Libya? How many papers opposed the same madness in Syria?

How many papers reported that there is no evidence whatsoever tying Russia to the m-17 disaster and a ton of evidence linking Ukraine as a false flag (the CIA position) , with the US, the EU and NATO in on a massive coverup?

How many papers reported that there is no evidence at all tying the Syrian government to the sarin gas attacks in Damascus that never even happened in the first place and a ton of evidence tying Turkey and Al Qaeda to this false flag? How many papers reported that it was Iran and Syria who took down the Lockerbie jet and that Ghaddafi was framed?

The answer to all those questions is zero at least in the US. For the foreign policy questions, the number is zero including all of Europe, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

There literally is no dissident press anywhere in the “free” world on any of these questions. This is what I call the Deep State. When you have that sort of ideological conformity and total media control, I would say that those media outlets are controlled by the Deep States of each of their countries. It is also true that elites in the West are in 100% agreement about most important things, but the profound ideological conformity the utter lack of a dissident media and near lockstep fashion in which propaganda is distributed or certain stories are blacked out all across the West is far too suspicious. That is down to a lot more than “Western elites being a bunch of rich neocon Cold Warriors who agree about everything.

See what I mean?

However, I think we are in for some changes because of the presence of major politicians in the Anglosphere such as Corbyn, Sanders and Trump who are directly opposing the objectives of the Deep States and elites. I am starting to worry for these folks. People who oppose the Deep States tend to get the “Kennedy treatment.”

*”papers” includes radio and TV news and newsmagazines.

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