Hair & Beauty Magazine

Me Before You by Jojo Moyles

By Brokebutbeautiful @never2broke4bea

Me Before You by Jojo Moyles

Me Before You

Never Too Broke for Beauty is primarily a beauty blog but sometimes I have a problem with this label because it implies that beauty is merely physical and we all know this isn't the case. So, I've decided to shake things up and write about Me Before You. I read this book a few months ago but it stuck in my head so much that I still find myself thinking about it.
I should mention that I would never have read this book if it hadn't been recommended to me. I would have looked at its cover, highlighted in pink, and dismissed it as fluffy 'chick lit.' However, this book is not only accessible, it is also a ridiculously good read. I can't remember the last time when I read a book where I cared so much about the characters. Our main characters are Will and Lou. Lou isn't your obvious romantic lead; she's on the dole, lives with her parents and has a somewhat eclectic fashion sense. Will is far more your typical romantic male lead; he is the strong silent type, is intelligent,dark and handsome, he just happens to be severely disabled.
Me Before You isn't your typical book about love, it definitely explores the theme of love but it discusses the idea that perhaps love isn't all you need. Maybe love isn't the all-conquering force that it is often sold as being. This book isn't just about love, its about relationships,adversity, disabled,life and the right to die.  I don't want to say too much about the book because I want everyone to read it and love it just as much as I did. Just a warning, if you do read Me Before You, keep a weekend free because you won't want to put it down and if you love it as much I did you won't be able to stop thinking about Will and Lou.

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