Lifestyle Magazine

MC+M Gift Guides! For Your Best Friend

By Thecurlycasualista @curlycasualista
The holiday season is, hands down, my favorite time of the year. Time spent with family, great food, Christmas trees, pretty lights and decorations everywhere, what more could you ask for?! In the spirit of the holiday season, I've compiled gift guides, which I'll share with you over the next few weeks until Christmas. If you're anything like me, you never to your Christmas shopping until the last possible second, so hopefully these will come in handy!
First up, a guide for your bestie, the girl who always has your back and knows you better than anyone! Enjoy!
2012 Gift Guide: Best Friend

Kate Spade handbag / Owl jewelry / Diane von Furstenberg / Knit glove / Beanie hat, $16 / What I Wore: Four Seasons, One Closet, Endless Recipes for...
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