Politics Magazine

MBTI Types

Posted on the 04 April 2017 by Calvinthedog

Well I just learned that I am an INFP-A. And a girlfriend seconded that enthusiastically.  We are The Counselors, The Mediators, The Peacemakers, the Healers, The Idealists. Considering that the former is my job, I suppose it makes sense.

Looking over the list of famous INFP’s, I see only one, the sociopath John Kerry, who is not some sort of an artist type. All the rest are writers, artists, philosophers, actors and actresses, musicians and movie directors. Apparently we are creative folks or a bunch of weirdo artists, take your pick.

Anyone else figure out their MBTI type? Use the comments to discuss your MBTI type or anything relating to various types or the theory itself.

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