Politics Magazine

Massive Riots at UC Berkeley Over Milo YiannapoulVisit

Posted on the 02 February 2017 by Calvinthedog


Milo Yiannapoulis was scheduled to speak at UC Berkeley as part of his Dangerous Faggot tour.

Many of his tour stops on campuses around the country have been disrupted by rowdy demonstrations and even riots. His appearances are being canceled in many cases due to fear of riots. After the election of Trump, the demonstrators have gotten much more violent and rowdy.

At the University of Washington recently, there was a huge riot at a Milo appearance. People coming to see Milo were assaulted by demonstrators, who attacked them with fists, object and paint bombs. Some Milo fans were injured in the meelee. I am not sure if the speech got canceled or not. Antifa and Black Bloc elements present were probably causing most of the violence. At one point, fights broke out between antifa and Trump supporters. In the midst of one of these fights, a Trump supporter drew a weapon and shot an antifa. The antifa was badly wounded in the hospital but may have survived.

Just tonight, Milo was scheduled to speak in the Student Union at UC Berkeley in Berkeley, California. A huge crowd of over 2,000 protesters assembled. At first the demo was peaceful, but later, a smaller group of antifa Black Bloc types broke away and began engaging in violence.

There were shouting matches and fistfights between antifa and Trump supporters. In one case, an antifa threw an object at a young woman Trump supporter, hitting her in the face. She charged the man with fists and returned blows at her attacker. I don’t like the idea of beating up women, even if they are Trumpsters. I couldn’t do it myself. If a woman wants to take her on, fine, but men assaulting women even in political demos leaves me cold. Men should fight men and women should fight women, sorry. I guess that’s that horrible, evil Alt Left conservatism of mine that makes me such an vile scum according to the Cultural Left. Isn’t it horrible that I want to protect women from violent men? Disgusting! I believe in chivalry. Is that scummy or what?

Large amounts of fireworks and smoke bombs were set off, most of them being thrown at the building where Milo was speaking. People charged police barricades and tore them down. They then used the barricades to smash the windows of the venue where Milo was speaking. People set fires here and there, including a large bonfire. At one point, the mob charged the building, smashed open windows using police barricades and managed to breach the first floor of the venue where Milo was speaking! Wow! I wonder what they would have done with Milo if they got their hands on him. They might have lynched him. Security at the speech panicked and the speech was canceled. For a while it seemed that Milo was trapped inside, but officers managed to escort him to safety.

Police had to resort to tear gas, pepper spray and even rubber bullets to disperse the crowd. Police gave orders to disperse, warning that anyone who did not leave would be arrested.

This was probably the most serious riot at UC Berkeley in quite some time, but of course, in the 1960’s and 70’s, huge demonstrations and even riots rocked the campus on a regular basis. Governor Ronald Reagan even called out the California National Guard to restore order on California campuses.

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