Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Mars Conjunct Menkar – Fearing What You Can’t Control

By Solarisastro @solarisastro
Mars conjunct Menkar – Fearing what you can’t control

Mars, the planet of war and action is now at 14 degrees Taurus connected to the star Menkar in the mouth of the constellation of the Great Whale or Sea Monster of the skies, Cetus. The whale appears in classic Greek mythology as a terrible creature and it also entered more popular culture in the story of Jonah and the Whale.

This is a time for extremes, for collective action and chaos, or of things that unconsciously affect us all on this planet. There is an unsettling and maybe fearful edge to today that could (and I say could) break out in upsets, disputes for no apparent reason, confusion and even violence, although this is a last resort reaction. It will be us reacting to things that maybe we cannot control, leading to anxiety and worry. This influence will pass in the next couple of days so just ride out the storm as best you can if it visits you

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