Body, Mind, Spirit Magazine

Mars Conjunct Aculeus - Taking Action to Relieve the Pain

By Solarisastro @solarisastro

mars aceleus

This conjunction is active from Saturday 10th through Tuesday 13th November

Friedrich Nietzsche the German philosopher wrote “That which does not kill us makes us stronger” and this is exactly what the fixed star Aculeus which sits in the sting in the tail of Scorpio is all about. The sting of a scorpion is used for attack and this star brings attacks of a kind that test your strength of character. You may have to face criticism of some sort that tests your resolve, or perhaps events will happen that cause you a type of hardship that you have to overcome. Life will not be easy, but you find a way to battle through.

Mars arriving to conjunct this star suggests to me physical toil to overcome problems thrown at you, or you may have to take direct action to relieve the pressure you are under. On a more personal level, you may be on the end of stinging words that hurt your feelings, and possibly your reputation.

Look out especially under this influence for people making an effort to repair their lives - I am thinking about the poor East Coast of the US which has had Sandy blow through and now has a bitter storm, high winds and snow to contend with.

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