I’ve been really stressed since getting to LA.

Last night we took the party bus to a club all decked out in Asics LA Marathon VIP style. The bus was as big as my house.

The bar!

Today was packed with more good stuff…. First, an early morning run in Santa Monica with the Asics LA Blogger Challenge Team. This is like Where’s Waldo running style. Can you find Ryan Hall, Deena Kastor, Andy Potts and Alysia Montano? Can you find me?

Next a leisurely breakfast where the pros gave us some tips:
Andy Potts: cool yourself off by putting ice on your neck, your wrists and down your pants. Being nervous for a race is good. It means you care.

Ryan Hall: Remember, if it’s not fun, why do it? When it gets tough, look around and take in your surroundings.

Andrew Kastor: Let the Pacific Ocean be a magnet drawing you to the finish line (a favorite).
I feel like an awkward turd next to the gazelle that is Deena:

Nicest guys. I was so impressed by how down to earth everyone was.

Next up was some pool time and a trip to the expo for bibs.
Now it’s time to lay my stuff out and start visualizing and meditating for tomorrow. Or, drink a glass of wine and watch a trashy movie on Lifetime.
Race goals for me? I don’t know. I always like the idea of a PR (which would be less than 3:42), but I am not too optimistic given the heat facture. If not a PR, maybe a BQ, which is 3:55 I think. If not that, then I would like to break 4 hours and if not that then how about just finishing?
There you have it. My very well thought out and specific goals. I have been training as if I’m aiming for a 3:50, but so much good and not so good can happen over the course of 26.2 so I’m allowing what happens to happen.
Time to rest up, got a 4:30 a.m. wake up call. I love it here. And, having never been to LA, I can’t think of a better way to see the city than running through it.

PS: Ken just sent this. She is sad and missing her person-mama: