This is out of the incel community, where I first heard the word manlet. They make a big deal out of their theory that being short is deadly for men. I do not know. Back in the 1970’s and 1980’s, I knew some short guys and one very good short friend, and they all did fantastic with females. Of course they were both very good looking, and two of them were very hot surfers who were for all intents and purposes Alphas
I think this chart is a bit off. According to the chart, I am in the zone where, without a pretty face, I am doomed. However, not one person has ever called me short in my life, and indeed I have had a number of very tall girlfriends, including two who were 5’11 and one who was 6’0. In fact, a recent very good girlfriend who was nuts in love with me was 5’11. So they were all three at least as tall as I am and one was even taller, and none of them seemed to care.
But that chart may not be relevant for my generation. Is it possible that this new young generation is even taller than my generation? Are Americans born in the 1990s’ actually taller than those born in the 1950’s? If so, by how much?
What do you think? Is being short a liability for men these days?
This whole issue is rather sad if it is true, but that poster sure is funny.

Click to enlarge. Humorous meme mashup on short men.