Fashion Magazine

Mani Time: Blue Leopard

By Suma @ThFabJunkie
Hey Loves!
This rain has finally let up in NYC. Everyday (last week) I was waking up to a gloomy day. I unfortunately had a migraine from hell visit me also, which basically topped off the end of the week. Even though the weather was crappy, I didn't let that influence my nail polish choices. Since, I didn't have time to share my latest mani with you guys last week, it comes just in time for what we in the cyber world like to call "Mani Monday"! If you haven't realized it yet but it's really the little things that matter in life AND that make me happy. Little things like being able to use "Mani Monday" in this post. 
Moving on...............
I wanted to try leopard-esque nails this week. I didn't want to do "boring" leopard spots- obviously. I tried a fun blue combination that to me, worked really well together! Keep in mind, this is my first try at this, so it isn't "perfect".
Check out my latest mani! 
Mani Time: Blue Leopard
Mani Time: Blue Leopard
What do you guys think? Would you try this color combo? Or even better, leopard print? Until next mani.........................
Mani Time: Blue Leopard

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