Food & Drink Magazine

Mango Icecream Recipe | How to Make Mango Icecream | Eggless Icecream Recipe

By Harini

Mango icecream recipe | how to make mango icecream | eggless icecream recipe
It is almost the mid of June and soon mangoes will be off for the season :(. Just the thought of it makes me buy more and more mangoes and indulge. Here I have put together two best things that summer has to offer-Mangoes and ice cream :). An egg less no cook mango ice cream,full of mango flavor very rich,creamy and so simple to put together.Just 4 ingredients and you would have made a special dessert.This recipe requires no ice cream maker,I would not say the texture is very similar to store bought or machine churned ice creams but it is definitely tasty and creamy in its own way.If you have an ice cream maker you can by all means try this using it,in whichever way you make you will love this ice cream.
Mango icecream recipe | how to make mango icecream | eggless icecream recipe
Mango ice cream recipe
Star ingredients: Mango and fresh cream
Time:30 minutes+freezing time
Mango icecream recipe | how to make mango icecream | eggless icecream recipe
2 medium sized ripe mangoes
200 ml cream( I used 35% fat content)
1 cup sugar
1 vanilla bean
1.Peel and remove the pit from mango.Scoop the flesh and blend it to a smooth pulp.
2.Add sugar to the cream and whisk until light.No need to form stiff peaks.
3.Now blend the cream along with mango and vanilla bean.
4.Transfer the content to an airtight box and freeze for 3 hours.
5.Using a wooden whisk or spoon mix the half frozen ice cream very well to break the ice crystals.Return to the freezer.Repeat the same for 3 times after every 2 hours.
6.During the last churn mix well and freeze over night.
7.Next day allow the ice cream to soften for 10 minutes before scooping.
1.I have powdered the vanilla bean as I like the specs,you can either scrape the pith or use vanilla extract.
2.You can use cream with 20% fat content too for this.
3.After step 4 you can use a ice cream machine if you have one instead of churning-by hand.
Mango icecream recipe | how to make mango icecream | eggless icecream recipe
Here are some easy homemade ice creams and few other mango recipes for you all:)

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