Hurrying (I was transporting ice cream) home from the grocery last Thursday, as I rounded the curve leading down to the bridge I was startled by a strange sound. My first thought was that our lovely new car had taken some kind of fit but then I saw the helicopter, floating down to land in the middle of the bridge.

MAMA (Mountain Area Medical Airlift) can be a life saver for folks out here.

I asked some of the bystanders what was up. The first one I asked supposed that someone had gotten hurt in the river but pretty soon I was told that a woman living near the bridge has gotten burned badly. Evidently the ambulances came and took her to the center of the bridge to await the helicopter.

I don't know any more -- not who she was nor what her condition is now.

But it was another reminder of how quickly things can change and how fragile our lives are.
And how much we need others.

As MAMA lifted off, I hoped that if the poor woman were aware of anything in this awful time, that she felt some comfort from the care and concern that surrounded her, from the first responders to the EMTs and the Big Pine Volunteer Fire Department.
When I find out anything more, I'll let you know.