Environment Magazine

Mali and the African Land Grab

Posted on the 25 February 2013 by Earth First! Newswire @efjournal

Mali today is in the grips of a hunger crisis, as thousands of people have been displaced from their lands and seek new sources of food. The French invasion was responsible for displacing people, as well as the insurgency that swept through Northern Mali last year and earlier this year. While aid organizations campaign multinational corporations to thrust GM food into the country to feed the starving Malian people, the Malibya canal continues to syphon off water from the Niger River, worsening the effects of the catastrophic drought that has ravaged the Sahel, to irrigate a vast new rice plantation for Libyan food security – only one of several colonial supply chains stemming from recolonized Mali. Explaining more is Sasha from the EF!J – Cascadia Office on The Real News

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