Fitness Magazine

Making Time for Exercise: What Does It Really Take?

By Pamela Brown

Hello ladies:

I hope you are having a wonderful day


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As a lifestyle fitness coach, a couple of things I love to do is to help clients discover how to make time for exercise and how to make it more meaningful to their lives.  The next series of posts will cover how to do just that.

You will learn strategies that will help you to see exercise in a different way.  These strategies are not traditional, and may actually need a little thought on your part.  But, if you have fitness goals you want to reach, it’s worth the effort


How can you finally reach your fitness goals?

The real success in reaching your fitness goals involves learning to plan, organize, envision success, and have a positive mental attitude towards yourself, exercise, food, and your body!

Exercise programs centered around personal development skills (like the ones listed above) can teach you how you are going to become a fitness success story and stay successful.  Here’s a strategy you can use now


Strategy #1:  Learning from the Past

If you fail to correct past mistakes, you end up repeating them.  So start today by putting

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your writing skills to use and list all the reasons why you will be successful this time!

Begin here: Think about each time you failed or didn’t follow through on your goals before and ask yourself:

  • How did you try to lose weight in the past?  Be as specific as possible, writing down what you did.  Consider each stint one at a time.
  • What was successful?
  • Why do you think you gained weight?
  • Was there a particular time when you gained weight?  Be specific.
  • What was going on at the time?
  • How were you feeling?
  • What would you do differently?  
  • Why will you be more successful this time?
  •  What skills will you need to learn to be successful this time?
  • Who will you need to support you in your efforts?

Write a script or statement, stating why you will be successful this time, what you are committed to learning, and what else you will do to ensure success.

This strategy helps you to learn reflection, restructuring, and planning.  This strategy sets the groundwork for goal-setting, and forward action.  Lots of personal development skills that will help you to reach your fitness goals!


Answering these questions will give you a guide about what you want to learn to become successful at losing weight, enhancing fitness, or just adopting the fitness lifestyle that you want.

Are you ready to learn things from your exercise?  Re-script your past experiences now!

Stay tuned for future posts!!!

Pamela Brown

Lifestyle Fitness Coach

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