Hair & Beauty Magazine

#MakeupMondays #Maybelline Fit Me Foundation Stick! Plus Quick Demo!

By Mamawithflavor @MaWithFlavor
#MakeupMondays #Maybelline Fit Me Foundation Stick! Plus quick demo!
Hello everyone welcome to a very late Makeup Mondays! So as you read in my last blog, my time is short these days. I'm back in school full-time and back on my exercise routine on top of EVERYTHING else that goes on! 
I had a coupon for this Maybelline Fit Me Stick Shine Free Foundation, I've heard RAVE reviews about this product, so I decided to try it. Especially as I had a coupon for it. BTW, there are SO many great coupons for drug store make-up! OMG. I am a make-up junkie, so me AND my husband are happy about that lol.
Anyway, I bought the Toffee/Caramel number 330 and it matches my skin color perfectly! It applies super smooth and has a nice satin finish and feels so light almost like "second skin". I love this foundation so much. 
It's only .32oz about .68oz less than your normal liquid foundation, however you don't need to roll this stuff all over your face.  This product normally cost $8.99 according to the site. #Maybelline Fit Me Foundation Stick! Plus quick demo!
#MakeupMondays #Maybelline Fit Me Foundation Stick! Plus quick demo!#MakeupMondays #Maybelline Fit Me Foundation Stick! Plus quick demo!
I like to use it in areas of my face where the skin color is off from blemishes. The coverage is phenomenal and a little really goes a long way. It doesn't look cake or like you have any make up on at all. The coverage is about medium but it's certainly build-able (you're able to layer it on) if you need to.
#MakeupMondays #Maybelline Fit Me Foundation Stick! Plus quick demo!Before! Excuse my hair I put it up in a ponytail  :-)
#MakeupMondays #Maybelline Fit Me Foundation Stick! Plus quick demo!Applying.  I just dot it on and blend with my fingers!
#MakeupMondays #Maybelline Fit Me Foundation Stick! Plus quick demo!
If you want to just quickly even your skin tone and run out the door, this product is perfect. It leaves a perfect skin finish. Now powder needed. I've noticed after maybe 6 hours I may have to retouch on blemishes, but this item is perfect to carry around in your purse and not have to worry about liquid or powder foundation spilling all over the place! I hate that! 

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