During October through December (a.k.a., the runup to the holidays), people receive more direct mail than at any other time of the year. Integrated marketers may be wondering if it's smart to launch a direct mail campaign when so many other marketers are doing it, too. The answer is yes: not only because direct mail works, but as the holiday shopping season drags out longer and gets more competitive, you've got to stand out. Here are some important considerations.
Start Earlier Than You Think You Need toFor many retailers, the holiday season is a huge payday, accounting for up to 30% of their overall sales. Why leave your piece of the trillion-dollar pie on the table? Start your direct mail campaign as early as October. Go for frequency, or number of drops or touches, rather than reach. Starting early also gives you the option to A/B test your mailer and fine-tune it for maximum results.
Either Go Long...Technically, a catalog is a piece of direct mail, and there's a reason why you see so many of them during the holiday: they yield results that are double the cost of investment with new prospects and 10 times more among return customers.
Don't just treat your catalog as an analog version of your e-commerce site. Make it an experience for the audience. Add thoughtful, targeted content to create something of use the recipient will keep long after the holidays are over.
...Or Go Really ShortDuring the holidays, most shoppers are laser-focused on what they want to buy. Getting them to spend money with you is often just a matter of showing them a good price at the right time. Postcards are the perfect way to present an offer, particularly to last-minute shoppers. After you read the next section, you'll understand why your URL should have prominent placement, too!
Don't Neglect Your Other ChannelsYou're probably already creating integrated marketing campaigns with email and social to enhance your direct mail efforts. But have you given your website the same amount of love? According to Google research, even shoppers who are planning on going to a store spend 54% of their shopping time online, doing research and browsing. Before the frenzy of the season, think about refreshing your site and adding some holiday cheer. Keep everything branded and consistent, then get ready for some serious cash register jingling!