Whether you are concerned about the environment and therefore wish to reduce your carbon footprint or are simply looking for ways to save money within the home, looking at your energy bills is a great place to start.
Energy in the form of gas and electricity used within the home can not only add up to significant outgoings every month, they have a negative impact on the environment when all those homes are added up. So to save yourself a few pennies and save some of the planet’s natural resources, consider alternative energy sources such as solar power.

As with all rooms in the home, solar power can be used to provide both the light and the heat within the bedroom. If you have moved into a new home and are planning where the bedroom will be, choose a room with large, south facing windows to benefit from the sun’s light during the summer months, as well as the heat the sun will provide. Skylights are a fantastic choice for making the most of the sunlight within a bedroom, and solar skylights are also well worth considering in this room.
To make the most of the sun’s heat and to store it efficiently, make sure your bedroom is designed with insulated walls and that your bed is of a high quality. There is little point in storing up heat from the sun, only to be let down by a cold bed or old mattress and find you end up resorting to the electric blanket and central heating anyway. Invest in new mattresses from http://sleepmasters.co.uk if necessary, and maximize the heat and warmth that solar power can offer you.
Finally, you can add the finishing touches to your solar powered bedroom with a solar powered radio to wake you up in the morning!