Food & Drink Magazine
Panna Cotta!
Dolce Vita!!
If you have a handsome hunk like David Rocco slaving over the hot stove for you ,then La Vie is indeed Dolce!
I never said that my hunk was not handsome, he just does not slave over a hot stove...
So, Dolce!!!
Like these pretty little seeds macerated in honey ,sitting pretty on pomegranate juice jelly!
And this dessert is dinner party worthy!
Well mine was Lunch party worthy, but none the less!
And to top it all, it was almost low ,low fat!
So easy!
Dolce Vita!
Made with low fat non dairy cream, skim milk and low fat yogurt.
So simple.
You just need to twist the cap of a juice tetra pack open, heat the stuff and stir and pour into pretty glasses.
Yup, it would have been better if it was indeed David Rocco making the Panna Cotta, and slipping on the ennnsss..and the teees...
Yup, the panna cotta!
And the macerated little pomegranate seeds with honey and mint...
The work was done in two shifts.
Before the dinner party shift and after the dinner party shift.
Left to set overnight...
Fruity and smooth, firm and just a little wobbly!
This is my first time with yogurt, I've only ever made this with dairy cream before...
But the thought of all those calories is scary, to say the least.
Have done cheese cakes to death, it was time for a change!
This recipe feeds 12 ,plus two to taste!
Time for David Rocco!
Time for Panna Cotta!
A silky, set, smooth , low cal dessert made by a super hot rocking chef!
What more can a girl ask for???
Him to walk out of the TV??
for the
Low fat Panna Cotta with Pomegranate Jelly -David Rocco Calls...
you need
1 kg Greek yogurt(I made mine Greek by setting homogenised Amul UHT milk :-) )
240 mls or 1 cup non dairy Low fat cream
240 mls or 1 cup cold milk
1 cup sugar
11 tsp gelatin
1 tsp vanilla essence or a vanilla pod
for the pomegranate jelly
2 1/2 cups pom juice(or whatever flavor your heart desires)
3-4 tsps super fine sugar
6 tsp gelatin
2 fresh pomegranate seeded
few mint leaves
2 tsps honey
Place the sugar, milk and cream in a sauce pan with the vanilla and set on low heat to simmer.
In the mean while with 50 mils cold water in a small bowl, sprinkle the gelatin, let it bloom-absorb the water, and set on a double boiler .
Until the mix simmers and the gelatin melts.
Once the sugar melts and the mix simmers just so, mix in the melted gelatin.
That is the unmelted gelatin that will have to be strained out.
Mix well to cool.
The greek yogurt has to be whisked so so so well!
Only when the cream mix is cool enough, strain it into the yogurt.And mix well.
Remember- cool and strain are the operative words.
And pour into the glasses.
I got 14 wine glasses. Covered the top with plastic wrap and set to chill. Put on my high heels and went to party, while the gelatin does its magic.
See, magic!!
After the after party at 2 at night....when the entire neighbourhood sleeps I listen to "the edge of the ocean".
Hit play and listen to the magic...
High heels off...
Now the jelly.
The juice and sugar in a pan to mix on low low heat.
Again the gelatin stuff on the double boiler to melt!
Mix into the juice and whisk into cool .
Now pour over the set panna cotta.
Cover and set .
Now to bed...
And sha la la la..
I left the pom seeds in honey for about an hour...
and they were..
Low fat has magic ,and freshness and takes you to deep blue sunshine filled deep blue skies...
So, begin the dessert party again...
So why are you not baking today???
Dolce Vita!!
If you have a handsome hunk like David Rocco slaving over the hot stove for you ,then La Vie is indeed Dolce!
I never said that my hunk was not handsome, he just does not slave over a hot stove...
So, Dolce!!!
Like these pretty little seeds macerated in honey ,sitting pretty on pomegranate juice jelly!
And this dessert is dinner party worthy!
Well mine was Lunch party worthy, but none the less!
And to top it all, it was almost low ,low fat!
So easy!
Dolce Vita!
Made with low fat non dairy cream, skim milk and low fat yogurt.
So simple.
You just need to twist the cap of a juice tetra pack open, heat the stuff and stir and pour into pretty glasses.
Yup, it would have been better if it was indeed David Rocco making the Panna Cotta, and slipping on the ennnsss..and the teees...
Yup, the panna cotta!
And the macerated little pomegranate seeds with honey and mint...
The work was done in two shifts.
Before the dinner party shift and after the dinner party shift.
Left to set overnight...
Fruity and smooth, firm and just a little wobbly!
This is my first time with yogurt, I've only ever made this with dairy cream before...
But the thought of all those calories is scary, to say the least.
Have done cheese cakes to death, it was time for a change!
This recipe feeds 12 ,plus two to taste!
Time for David Rocco!
Time for Panna Cotta!
A silky, set, smooth , low cal dessert made by a super hot rocking chef!
What more can a girl ask for???
Him to walk out of the TV??
for the
Low fat Panna Cotta with Pomegranate Jelly -David Rocco Calls...
you need
1 kg Greek yogurt(I made mine Greek by setting homogenised Amul UHT milk :-) )
240 mls or 1 cup non dairy Low fat cream
240 mls or 1 cup cold milk
1 cup sugar
11 tsp gelatin
1 tsp vanilla essence or a vanilla pod
for the pomegranate jelly
2 1/2 cups pom juice(or whatever flavor your heart desires)
3-4 tsps super fine sugar
6 tsp gelatin
2 fresh pomegranate seeded
few mint leaves
2 tsps honey
Place the sugar, milk and cream in a sauce pan with the vanilla and set on low heat to simmer.
In the mean while with 50 mils cold water in a small bowl, sprinkle the gelatin, let it bloom-absorb the water, and set on a double boiler .
Until the mix simmers and the gelatin melts.
Once the sugar melts and the mix simmers just so, mix in the melted gelatin.
That is the unmelted gelatin that will have to be strained out.
Mix well to cool.
The greek yogurt has to be whisked so so so well!
Only when the cream mix is cool enough, strain it into the yogurt.And mix well.
Remember- cool and strain are the operative words.
And pour into the glasses.
I got 14 wine glasses. Covered the top with plastic wrap and set to chill. Put on my high heels and went to party, while the gelatin does its magic.
See, magic!!
After the after party at 2 at night....when the entire neighbourhood sleeps I listen to "the edge of the ocean".
Hit play and listen to the magic...
High heels off...
Now the jelly.
The juice and sugar in a pan to mix on low low heat.
Again the gelatin stuff on the double boiler to melt!
Mix into the juice and whisk into cool .
Now pour over the set panna cotta.
Cover and set .
Now to bed...
And sha la la la..
I left the pom seeds in honey for about an hour...
and they were..
Low fat has magic ,and freshness and takes you to deep blue sunshine filled deep blue skies...
So, begin the dessert party again...
So why are you not baking today???