Health Magazine

“Love Your Body Holistically”

Posted on the 30 August 2013 by Jean Campbell

Nicole Glassman, Founder of Mindful Health, provides a holistic view of living. in her post that follows.

What would it be like to start each day giving thanks to your body for its service to you? Thanking your head for its intellect. Thanking your hands for the ability to create.  Thanking your heart for the ability to feel hope. Thanking your voice for speaking your truth. Thanking your lungs for the breath you just took.

There are numerous ways to live a more “holistic” life. This could involve transforming your diet, your activity level, taking supplements and herbs, buying natural products and more. But what is just as important, if not more, are the thoughts and words you feed your soul.  Ask yourself when was the last time you expressed gratitude for what you already have? We’ll explore this in-depth below but a good place to start is with diet.


Diet is an integral piece of a healthy lifestyle.  For optimal health cut out sugar, white flour, processed food, soda, and caffeine. Try to eat organically whenever possible.  I would also recommend eliminating soy due to its potential hormonal influence on the body. Increase leafy greens like swiss chard, dandelion, kale and arugula for the benefit on the liver and your body’s mineral levels.  Add in antioxidant rich food such as cranberries, spinach, berries, artichoke, and foods high in vitamin A such as pumpkin, and squash.  Try to utilize foods with purple skins such as plums, blueberries and blackberries. These foods contain anthocyanin, which can protect the body from cancer.  Incorporate cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage to detoxify and be sure you are receiving an adequate intake of Omega 3 Fatty Acids from oily fish or from supplementation.

Natural Products

It is important to eliminate cleaning and beauty products that contain harmful chemicals. The skin is the body’s second liver so what you touch and breathe can tax the body.  Bleach is one of the most commonly used products and it can stress the liver and endocrine system. Eliminate its usage.  My favorite natural cleaning companies are Mrs. Meyers and Seventh Generation.   There is a website that I would recommend to check the safety of your beauty products:


Emotions are often the root of the body’s mental and physical stressors.  Certain emotions can relate back to organ imbalances. For example, the thyroid is located in the throat and it can relate to your ability to speak your truth and your creative voice. Sometimes a thyroid deficiency can be linked to these feelings, and finding a creative outlet, or standing up for oneself can be an integral part of healing.

The mind is one of the most powerful tools we have. It can be the source of illness but it can also surpass medical diagnosis, and encourage healing.  I highly recommend working on whatever makes you feel stuck, unworthy, drained, angry or depressed. Ask yourself what you need more of to feel fulfilled? Is it nature? Is it a new job? A different relationship? A pet? More free-time?

Now ask yourself who or what are your outlets for your emotions? Do you have an activity that gives you an emotional release? Is there a person you can talk to?

What do you do to nurture yourself? Is there ever time for pleasure or planned relaxation?

Finally, what is stopping you from making these changes right now?

I designed a retreat called The Mindful Mosaic Women’s Retreat at Buttermilk Falls in the Hudson Valley, NY to help with these exact issues and more. I wanted to create a space where women can take the time to really reflect, and connect with other like-minded people in a beautiful, intimate, relaxing setting. It is here that we will eat farm fresh organic meals, explore nature, and transform. Our next retreat is Sept 27th.If you would like more information please go to or call 212-245-3129.

Nicole Glassman
About Nicole Glassman: Ms. Glassman is a holistic nutritionist and founder of Mindful Health<>. She combines nutritional counseling with electrodermal screening and emotional work to assess her clients from the inside out. Nicole has launched an innovative retreat for women looking to balance their lives holistically. The Mindful Mosaic Women’s Retreat in the Hudson River Valley is a game-changing event: Nicole is an author in the best selling book, “Women Living Consciously.” She has been featured in Huffington Post, Readers Digest, and Woman’s World Magazine, and has written for MindBodyGreen, Om Times and Gaiam. She also has a regular column on Nicole completed a Masters in Food Studies at New York University. She also attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and Energetix College of Bio Energetic Medicine. Nicole’s Facebook<> Nicole’s twitter <> Nicole’s website <>

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