Creativity Magazine

Love, Hate, and Facebook -- It's Complicated

By Vickilane
Love, Hate, and Facebook -- It's Complicated
I blame it all on the Publicity Department at Random House. Some years back, they encouraged me to do a newsletter for readers of my books. After a few years the newsletter morphed into a blog and, at some point, the Publicity Department suggested sharing said blog through Facebook for a wider reach. 

And I did, thinking, no big deal, just post the blog and walk away . . . no need to get involved or anything. 
Love, Hate, and Facebook -- It's Complicated
What happened was the opposite of non-involvement. I found a whole world of fascinating people out there -- not all nice but fascinating in their variety. I joined a few groups directed at Appalachian folks and have heard some great tales -- it's like listening to my neighbors talking. (Sometimes it is my neighbors.) I've reconnected with friends from as far back as grammar school and with cousins I've not seen in half a century and family members I don't see as often as I wish I could, I've enjoyed chats with a friend in Vienna. I count as friends people I've never seen  -- and somehow feel there's something pure about a friendship that is completely based on words and shared interests. What would I do without Mario's nudibranchs, Amanda Kyle William's' hilarious updates, and Jim Wright's right-on rants?  Yes, there are things I love about Facebook. (And I haven't even mentioned all the cute animal pictures.) Love, Hate, and Facebook -- It's Complicated
 On the other hand, Facebook sometimes makes me crazy. There are the folks who are convinced that same-sex marriage means their own little fundamentalist church will have to marry any gay couple that walks in the door. And the ones who send around memes saying that God will do something for you if you share this meme immediately. (Like She's not busy enough with all the prayers about same sex marriage.) 

I won't even start with the BENGHAZINAZIEBOLA conspiracy theories . . .  yeah, I know, I could de-friend or block those people but that would be sticking my head in the sand. I really want to know what people are thinking and I really would like to understand. So I stay tuned  . . . in spite of the things I hate about Facebook. (And I haven't even mentioned all the sad animal pictures.)

Love, Hate, and Facebook -- It's Complicated

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