Health Magazine

Lose Weight: Part 2 Prepare

Posted on the 05 May 2013 by Dave Nevue

Lose Weight: Part 2 Prepare

One of the main reasons people fall off track from their nutrition program is due to the fact they are not prepared. To be successful you need a game plan. You want to know what you are going to eat and when. This might seem overwhelming but in fact it will save you time and stress. If you are serious about reaching your goals you must keep in mind to lose weight you need to prepare.

How to prepare

Everyone has a different lifestyle and work schedule. There is no one plan fits all. What you have to do is find out what will work best for you. Some people find it easier to prepare all of their meals on Sunday. Then the rest of the week they just grab and go. Others find it easier to make extra servings at dinner time for the next days lunch. What ever works best for you is the key to your success.

If you days meals are not planned out you will possibly miss a meal or find yourself in line of a fast food restaurant. Either one of these situations will slow down your weight loss progress.

What You Will Need

There are a few essential items you will need to have your meals planned out for the day. You do not have to spend a lot of money on these items but they are important to help you lose weight.

Food Scale

You will need a food scale to weigh out your portions. You will be surprised on how off you will be eyeballing it. A fun test that I have my clients do is to take a box of cereal and ask them to pour a serving size out. I will also do that with nuts and meat. Take the test, you will be shocked with the results you get. Ask your family to do the same. This fun test make you aware of how much you really eat.

Measuring Cups and Spoons

These are great measuring tools that you do not weigh, such as cereals, fruits and vegetables. No more guessing means more progress.

Storage Containers and Zip Lock Bags

Now that you have your food measures you need to pack it for the day. This will make it more convenient for you while you are trying to handle all of your daily tasks. One less thing you will have to think about. The food will be measured and ready to eat.

You can freeze some of your meals for the week. Think about how much time you can save by making extra servings and freezing them. This will also be great for the children for after school meals. Think about how healthy they will be eating something healthy instead of grabbing a bag of chips. One more thing you will not have to worry about.

Final Thought

Everything we do becomes a habit after time. The way that you are eating has become a habit of the past. Change is never easy for anyone. But with dedication and consistence your new lifestyle will become habit. You will soon be feeling healthier and getting closer to your goals. You will also realize how easy it will become after you find out what works best for you and your family.

Best of health and happiness,

Dave Nevue

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