Diet & Weight Magazine

Lose Weight by Eating Naturally

By Roserighter @roserighter
Everywhere we turn, we see the "success stories" of people who've taken a product and quickly lost 75, 100 pounds or more. It's easy to get sucked in by one of the many fad diets on the market. The truth is that no fad diets work for long-term weight loss. Instead, we need to learn how to eat naturally to lose weight and keep it off permanently.
There's no easy way to lose weight. There isn't a product or routine that can magically wash away the extra weight. But so many people are intrigued by the idea of "what if." What if it really works? What if it can spark my weight loss? What if I didn't have to cut back on my calories or exercise to lose weight quickly?
The problem with fad diets is that you become dependent on them. Even those products that do seem to help do not work in the long run and you can't keep the weight off. The minute you stop taking the product or plug back in the "forbidden" foods, you gain back the weight you've have lost, plus some.
A good rule to live by is to only start something you can comfortably continue for the rest of your life. It is important to learn how to eat healthy, natural foods and make it a part of your new lifestyle. Expect to backslide every now and then and eat something that isn't in your best interest, but make a plan to get back on track as soon as possible rather than letting the one mistake snowball into regaining the weight.
So, how can you create a healthy lifestyle? Forget all of the advertising messages you've seen. In most cases, all it takes is some minor changes for people to see results in their weight loss efforts.
  • Control your portion sizes
  • Stop drinking pop
  • Drink 8 cups of water every day
  • Add fruits and veggies to your meal plan every day
  • Exercise everyday
  • Don't eat out as much
  • Prepare healthy snacks
  • Eat often enough throughout the day so you aren't starving and reaching for the wrong type of foods
  • Ask for support when you need it
  • Adopt a positive attitude towards your body and weight loss
Use these simple rules as a guide and find balance to create a natural way to lose weight. It won't happen overnight though. You should expect to see slow and steady progress along with the occasional plateau. Any program that promises you more than that should raise red flags.

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