Health Magazine

Lose Those Pounds Stop Drinking Your Calories

Posted on the 14 May 2013 by Dave Nevue

Lose Those Pounds Stop Drinking Your Calories

Do not drink your calories

Do not drink your calories

Soft Drinks

Are you still drinking soft drinks? If you are looking to lose weight, do not drink soft drinks. They are just sugar water with no nutritional value. How many times have you or have seen someone with a large soda in their hands? Think about it, the calories in that beverage is equivalent to your lunch. So when you are eating your lunch drinking that big soda you are well over your caloric budget. I am not even talking about the amount of sugar that you are digesting.

Some of those large sodas have 500 calories. If you drink two a day you have already added 1,000 empty calories. Empty calories are calories that have no nutritional value. Your body needs a certain amount of macronutrients a day to survive. Eat your calories with nutrient dense foods, do not drink empty calories.

Many of us have been brought up drinking soda. If you go to a ball game, movie, lunch or summer gathering you will see soda. We have been drinking these empty calories for decades. If you are a soda drinker you need to change your habits if you want to lose weight and live a healthier lifestyle. Change is not easy for anyone. You need to find a non caloric beverage that will take place of the soda. I do not recommend drinking diet soda loaded with artificial sweeteners. If you like the carbonation, drink seltzer water and add lemon or lime to it.

Eye Opener

20 oz can of Coke:

Calories 248
Sugars 68g

(There are 4.2 grams of sugar in a teaspoon)

Lets do the math. That would be 16.19 teaspoons of sugar that you consumed with one can of Coke. Would you sit down and eat 16 teaspoons of sugar? You would probably get sick. Another question I would like to ask you, would you feed your children 16 teaspoons of sugar? The next time you look at a can of soda remember what is going into your body.

The American Heart Association recommends 6 teaspoons of sugar for women and 9 teaspoons of sugar for men a day. One can of coke almost triples that amount.

I have not even talked about fruit juice, alcohol, creamer or sport drinks. Come back for more articles to come.


*Drink water for your beverages, eat your calories

*Sugar is one of the main reasons for the increase of diabetes

*Green tea and an occasional coffee (black) is a good choice for a beverage

*Protect your children from diabetes, know how much sugar they are consuming

*Lose Those Pounds Stop Drinking Your Calories

Best of health and happiness,
Dave Nevue

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