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Looking for Favorites Pins!

By Therelishedroost
Looking for Favorites Pins!
I have to admit when Pinterest first came out I was hooked!  I found myself pinning for hours and was shocked at the amount of time that went by while I was Pinning away. I eventually burned out and backed away from pinning for quite a while.  I am not sure what sparked my interest again, maybe it was the terrible weather we were having here but I found my way back to Pinterest and truly enjoyed a few great days of viewing pins and adding pins.  Are you still hooked on Pinning? Here are some of my favorite recent Pins ! I would love for bloggers out there to send me your favorite pin and why you picked it and I will post it on Thursday August 1st! Emailyour jpeg to [email protected],Thanks!
Looking for Favorites Pins!
Looking for Favorites Pins!
Looking for Favorites Pins!
Looking for Favorites Pins!
Looking for Favorites Pins!
Looking for Favorites Pins!
Looking for Favorites Pins!
Looking for Favorites Pins!
Looking for Favorites Pins!

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