Even after they transition, they are still seriously nuts. Apparently the argument is that they are even more nuts before they transition, so transitioning is good for them in a sense.
How about preventing it in the first place? There is no evidence whatsoever that the rate of transsexualism is constant around the world.
Surely if it is biological, there must have been vast numbers of transsexuals in the past. Since transsexualism causes horrific mental illness, depression and suicidality, surely we would have heard about in our records of the past. Europe at least kept excellent records in at least the last 500 years. Prior to that, there is always folklore and the wisdom of the ancients.
Yet we move around the world doing ethnographic studies and nowhere do we find tribes discussing the disastrous predicament of the transsexual. Note that if transsexualism is real, it would have existed in high numbers. Recent studies say 1/300 persons is a transsexual and transsexual feelings, transient or otherwise, are present in 2-3% of university students in China, not exactly a hotbed of Cultural Left nuttiness.
Why do we never hear of transsexuals in the written history, folklore or ancient wisdom of cultures around the world? Probably because the notion that transsexualism itself is a biological disorder with high prevalence through time and space is itself highly suspect.
If indeed there were transsexuals in the past all around the world all down through time, they must have been able to accommodate their disorder well, if they even had it at all. Since transitioning was not possible nor was it possible to pretend you are the opposite sex, if transsexualism existed in the past, most transsexuals probably just shrugged off their transsexual feelings and married and raised children like everyone else.
So even if there were “transsexuals” in the past, most of them seemed to have simply shrugged off their feelings as some odd quirk and went on to live normative cis-heterosexual lives.
The transsexual epidemic in the West has a definite feeling about it of being a manufactured issue. A lot of it appears to be simple faddism.