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Liking Leather Skirts!

By Therelishedroost

 I am really liking leather skirts these days....

Liking Leather Skirts!

Oops, no that one! Although I must give Kanye credit for always pushing the envelope!! Found-Brobizzy!

Liking Leather Skirts!

I mean this one!! Designer Richard Hallberg did these lovelies for Veranda and I just love them!

Liking Leather Skirts!

Lee Industries, I am not crazy about the color choice but I could definitely see this in a fawn or faded gray tone leather, it would be great!

Liking Leather Skirts!

Love this and the color from Bernhardt!

Liking Leather Skirts!

This would be perfect I love the color and the lines,  Lee Industries.
Would you do a skirted leather chair or sofa, I know I would definitely consider a dining chair without a doubt!

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