I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently. It’s not that I’ve become disillusioned with my blog, far from it. I have so many ideas, so many plans, and really it’s just finding time to sit down and get started.
There’s many posts in my drafts, ten times more ideas in my notebook. But there’s a lack of time.
I originally started this blog as a little hobby to keep my mind occupied, to stop me dreaming solely of mathematical formulae and Excel spreadsheets (true story). It’s definitely kept me busy, to the point of being exhausted over my summer ‘break’ – though we’ll blame the Lyme Disease on that one. I wanted to help people through university, and from the comments I’ve received lately I think I’ve done that.
More than anything, I wanted this blog to be a little diary of my life. There’s very little I edit out on here. Sure, I might move my mess to the other corner of the room whilst taking photos, but other than that you get the real me. You get the soppy posts, the tongue-in-cheek posts (trust me, I’m definitely not this sarcastic in real life…), the ‘damn I spent too much’ posts.

With my return to university I’m very much aware I’m going to be short on time. Without realising it I’ve actually been posting every day for a few weeks (thanks to my Monday guest posters for making this possible – and if you are interested in writing me a post then do drop me an email or tweet!). Before that I was posting six times a week, and realistically I know I can’t continue to do that. Yes, I’m concentrating on my studies, but I’m also throwing myself into grad applications. That 1st and dream job will be mine! Joking aside, I’m still planning on a good three or four posts a week. Quality over quantity, a variety of topics, still plenty of chat.
There’ll be more personal posts, more about the real me, and probably less of the reviews (because student budget). But I’ll still be here, you aren’t getting rid of me that easily!
I’ve got more than I ever imagined out of blogging. There’s been some fab collaborations with some amazing brands. I’ve met the most lovely people (with shoutouts going to Leanne, Jas and Katy). I’ve ever pushed myself to my absolute limit (shaking with nerves and can’t-sleep limit) and filmed an interview with Aldi. I’ve taken part in events, found out about launches in advance, been able to support charities. It’s all thanks to this blog but, more importantly, it’s all thanks to you. My lovely readers.
Now over to you; what do you want to see here?