This post was surprisingly difficult to write, stopping to grin manically at my fiancé one minute, then weeping into a handful of tissues the next. The proposal was relatively low-key compared to some I’ve read about (a school friend recently proposed to his girlfriend whilst swimming with dolphins in Florida – romantic but far too public for me!). It was also absolutely perfect. And what better day to share it with you than my fiancé’s birthday?!
I’d imagined how Will would propose for a few months. I’d overheard a phone call back in September that roused my suspicions that
something was happening, though of course I’d know for a while that I would be marrying him, and we’d discussed it on and off for a while. I already knew I’d be spending the rest of my life with him, it was just a question of him, well, popping
the question! In the end the proposal was nothing like how I’d imagined, I always thought I would be able to guess in the minutes beforehand but he was so calm (outwardly – he’d gone to dinner in Nando’s an hour or so previously and could only managed one side due to nerves!). So, how he asked…
For several months he had been arranging a ‘surprise weekend’ for my birthday, starting on Friday 18 December (end of university term for me!). I’d tried in vain to get him to divulge details, with the most information I received being – “bring heels, a dressy-dress, something warm, something waterproof, sensible footwear.”
Sidenote: I’d obviously tried to guess, with my top choice being a trip to Edinburgh, traveling on the Caldonian Sleeper train. Edinburgh is quite special to use as a couple so I was alternating between excitement and trying not to get my hopes up…
A few weeks before I was given instructions for meeting him in London, in the form of a riddle.
All together now – *awhhhhh!*
Luckily I knew pretty immediately where I was due to meet him, so just before 8pm I trundled over to Granary Square with my weekend bag. By this point I was nervous as to what the weekend would hold, and also pretty tense with anticipation – on the drive to the station a few hours earlier my housemate had asked whether I thought he would drop down on one knee upon meeting me! Whilst I was hoping for a proposal over the weekend I was adamant it wouldn’t be that night.

The walk up to Granary Square is probably the clearest memory I have of that night. It was quite quiet, and utterly beautiful as it was dark, with the festive lights lining the path. As I approached the area overlooking a canal I spied Will waving (turns out he was waving to another girl with a suitcase who he mistook for me!) so I headed over for a hug – I hadn’t seen him for a few weeks, I’d had a pretty hellish week of exams and assessments, and I’d just missed him. We sat down facing the canal, in the light of the Christmas tree, and he asked whether I’d like to know what my surprise was – and with answer being a resounding “no, not yet”!
I was told in no uncertain terms that I would be having it there and then, and to close my eyes (and put my hands over them to prevent peeking). At this point I was still expected to be handed some tickets, perhaps a hotel reservation, as I was being wished “Happy Birthday, and a Happy Christmas too.”
Then I felt Will move away from me and started to realize what could possibly be happening. I won’t repeat exactly what he said; for one I’m not sure either of us remember exactly, and obviously that is a moment both of wish to cherish privately. When I opened my eyes to find him down on one knee, saying the words “will you marry me?” I will openly admit I cried. I almost didn’t notice the ring, I was fixated on his face. I did, however, managed to give an affirmative answer amidst the tears and the ring was slid on to my very shaky fingers. Many hugs followed until I was steady enough to stand, before we fled the incoming rain.

At this point I felt I couldn’t be any happier, but the surprises kept coming. I was led to our hotel for the night, and instructed to hunt the room for a clue whilst he poured some bubbles (into mugs, the only thing we had!). I eventually stumbled across Nessie – and found out we were off to Edinburgh for the weekend. And returning to London overnight on Monday on the Sleeper… (turns out I’m quite good at guessing surprises!). We toasted our engagement, made many phone calls.
I’d like to stay it was a totally romantic night, but that wouldn’t be totally true. Take it from me that a late-night McDonald’s and Champagne don’t really mix…
The surprises didn’t end there, but kept coming throughout the weekend. A table at Michelin-starred ‘The Kitchin’ for a meal which was utterly perfect, a stunning hotel, rose petals on the bed, my favorite breakfast dish delivered to our room, a trip out to North Berwick for a picnic on the beach. But most importantly it was a weekend to focus on each other, to spend quality time together alone, and it was utterly perfect. Not because of the things we did, not from a ‘he treated me like a princess’ perspective (although I felt like he did!), but because everything he had planned involved something special to us.
I really couldn’t have asked for a more perfect few days. He took me completely by surprise on the Friday, and everything was far more than I could have asked for.
Do you have a proposal to share? If not, what would be your dream proposal?