Finishing university in May and not starting my job until September (and having no money for London rent in the meantime!) has meant that I’ve had to do some serious sorting and chucking-out in order to squeeze four years of accumulated stuff into my childhood bedroom.
It might have taken 10 hours (including sorting the garage out, in the cold early May bank holiday drizzle), it might have involved lots of swearing, repeatedly dropping heavy items on the same foot and re-shuffling furniture multiple times, but I’ve finally gotten it just about right. Including the dressing table of this little blogger’s dreams…
My room is a difficult one to get looking right – it’s not the biggest, I have a chunky wardrobe (that we can’t move around as the back has fallen off and we’re pretty sure the whole thing will collapse if moved!). I also have a sofa bed – bought to replace my child-ish single a few years ago. So whilst I probably could put the sofa in a better place, I need to be able to expand it out into a bed each night. Hence difficulties. That said, I’m super happy with how it’s looking at the moment.

I’ve got my bookcase in one corner – this was the first purchase I made with my first ever pay packet! I’m a huge reader in my spare time and this took a LOT of sorting out. Hopefully my local charity shops are pleased with the two huge boxes packed full of books I’ve donated! I’ve kept just my favourites, as well as some I want to read again and then pass on. And yes, I organize into color order…I also have a little area where I’ve put all my wedding bits and pieces (I really need to sort through this stuff at some point!).
Then there’s the dressing table, which is just my fold-up desk from uni put into another corner, with the storage box that came with my sofa bed (which hides away bedding) as a seat. This also gives me a hidey-hole for any mess too! I’m loving that all my makeup and skincare bits are a bit more to hand, and it also means I don’t have to rely on the family bathroom being free to get ready.
Oh, and no childhood bedroom is complete without childhood best friend – meet Bear! He is actually a Baloo from the Jungle Book, but as you can see he was very well loved…
A few little touches, including the gorgeous cushions my sister got me and W for Christmas, and I’ve really made this into a lovely little spot for relaxing and blogging in over the summer. Now I just have to placate my dad for the loss of his home office for the summer…!
What’s your bedroom like? How do you make the most of limited space?