Despite getting engaged well over eight months ago, we finally, finally celebrated officially with our friends and family at the beginning of August. Perhaps rather riskily we planned a garden party – and what better themed food to go for than floral?! I had the picture in my mind; blue skies, bright sunshine and a relaxed day in the garden with bunting, plenty of Pimms, finger food and friends.
But there was plenty of food. From over-ordering on Waitrose to baking vast quantities of everything, we had plenty leftover, but everything was enjoyed. My homemade quiche (which has sparked a new obsession) was demolished, the macaron tower emptied. Cheeses were virtually polished off, scones (piled high with jam and clotted cream) were devoured in copious amounts.
One of the things hosting our engagement party taught us was that we are so glad we aren’t doing a DIY wedding. I’ve spent months reading wedding blogs and always loved the ones where couples did the catering, or all the decorations, but in retrospect it just isn’t feasible for us – particularly as we will be living away from where our wedding will be! Although we had plenty of fun baking in the days leading up to our party, I will admit it got very heated in the kitchen at times.Stressful though it was, it gave us time to celebrate us, time to catch up with both older and newer friends. There were some people who, through no fault of their own, were definitely missed, and I just cannot wait for our wedding day to have everyone we love all together. Whilst this was never about receiving gifts, we were incredibly touched to receive such thoughtful presents. Several of our guests had handmade some pieces themselves, some had gone to the trouble of hunting down things just utterly perfect for us.
All too quickly, our day was over, with the quite disappointing realisation that we failed to take a single picture of us together, even lacking pictures of our guests. Whoops. And now our wedding date has been announced to all our nearest and dearest, you guys here can expect some wedding planning updates soon!Did you take advantage of the short British summer to hold a party? What’s your favorite party-food – I can’t resist a pork pie!