Fashion Magazine

Lifestyle: March Favourites

By Ninegrandstudent

It scares me that it’s now April. Yes April brings sunshine, warmer days and a holiday from lectures. But it also means exams are just around the corner, and it’s finally sunk in that this period of exams just happens to be probably the most important I’ll ever sit.

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I have, relative to other years, quite a nice exam timetable, Six exams spread over a fourteen day period is just acceptable enough not to send me into full-block panic mode. I’m close to panicking, but not quite there yet. Just give me another week or so! This year the approach of exam season has also got me thinking about just how quickly my degree has gone. It feels like yesterday that I sobbed on my doorstop waving goodbye to W, that I saw my parents off from my halls. Four years on, at 3pm on Thursday I will attend my last ever university lecture. I’ve signed up for graduation, bookmarked a whole heap of dresses. More importantly (but far less exciting!) I’ve got past papers ready to practice, revision notes all ready. I just can’t quite believe that in just a few short months university will all be over!

April is looking like a month of pure revision (though I do have a few appointments to try on some white dresses next week – eek!), but what about highlights from March…?

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Easter Weekend

Whilst I’m not overly religious, I always remembered Easter weekends as a child as being a special occasion for a family meal. I didn’t make it home for Easter this year, but did manage to persuade W to visit. He turned up armed with flowers (I’m not a ‘must get me flowers’ kinda girl, but love being surprised, and these tulips are beautiful!) and a massive leg of lamb. After a rush around 3 stores in a vain attempt to buy rosemary, and a successful attempt at buying a roasting tin big enough to fit ‘Baaaabara’ (though too big for the oven it turned out!) we had enough roast lamb to feed an army. Whilst delicious the first day, we also enjoyed in in a casserole, as a pie and as some absolutely delicious spicy flatbreads.

It also turns out that creme eggs aren’t the best study snack – I discovered this after essentially glueing an exam paper shut! Also, how cute is the little Easter basket our house was given?!

Study Buddies

With W being down for a week and aiming to start writing his dissertation, he joined me for several long library days. It was just what I needed to get me motivated – any signs of procrastination and I got a stern look. Let’s just say I feel like I tripled my productivity in that week! He also forced me to take most of the day on Wednesday to relax – we had a beach trip, gorged on burgers and generally forgot about work…until the evening in the library!

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Perfecting Bread Rolls

Whilst I love homemade bread, my slicing skills leave a lot to be desired – so it’s not the ideal thing to make for lunchboxes. However I’ve finally perfected shaping bread rolls so they rise both upwards and outwards. I’ve also worked out my favorite ratios for getting a tasty but light wholemeal dough – and it’s no-knead too. Recipe to come soon!

New Clothes

Perhaps less exciting than the point above, but this was wayyy overdue. The majority of my clothes are far too big on me now, and whilst I don’t exactly have the pennies to spend right now I did have a little splurge in Primark last month. For just over £30 I bagged myself plenty of basic tops, a denim pinafore and a denim mini-skirt. I’m loving the denim pinafore – whilst I adore my cord one from Topshop it is a little short – this one I can wear with bare legs and sandals one it starts to warm up.

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Proposing to my Bridesmaids

Over three months after getting engaged, I finally proposed to my bridesmaids. Whilst I always knew I’d be asking them, I wanted to wait a while to (1) keep them in suspense, and (2) ask them in a cute way. After our lamb roast on Easter Sunday I placed a card at their seat as they began the washing up. When they (eventually!) noticed them there was a lot of screaming, tears from one and lots of excitement from all. They will join my sister (who I asked to be my maid-of-honour way back in December), and I can’t wait to have my three best girlfriends to support me on the happiest/scariest/most-adult/best day of my life.

Summer Plans

Whilst summer still seems like a long way away (so much to do before them!) I have started making a few little plans, starting with a short break in the South of France at the beginning of June. Just what we need, me and my girls will spend the days doing absolutely nothing, eating bread and cheese and drinking a lot of wine. Me and Will are also debating on what to do. We were thinking of potentially going State-side with a trip to Boston, but I think we’ve decided on a road-trip around Scotland based on whisky distilleries! Now we’ve just got to time it around one wedding, two graduation ceremonies and any potential job interviews…

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So yep, an exciting month for me! I can’t imagine the next two months repeating this excitments – get ready for lots of ‘#sssitsalibrary’ instagrams and a potential lack of posts. Fingers crossed for a few more beach trips though…As a side note, I’m looking for guest bloggers to fill a few posts so if you fancy writing about pretty much anything, drop an email to [email protected]!

How was March for you? Hope you ate your body weight in chocolate!

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