I can’t be the only one that’s ever-so slightly glad London has cooled down now! The heatwave of mid-June was, was frankly, a little bit too much for me. And that’s coming from someone with an air-conditioned flat, who gets the District Line to work (also air-conditioned) and an air-conditioned office. Even my 10-minute walk to/from the station was a little bit too much – and a midday walk to the highstreet left me feeling physically ill. In hindsight, going out already thirsty wasn’t the best plan, but what’s a girl gonna do when she realises she’s all out of moisturiser?!

15+ flat viewings. Not pleasant in the heat.
3 naps. It’s the only thing I have energy for when it’s hot.
1 dumped duvet. It lived on our sofa for nearly a fortnight as it was too hot to even sleep on top of it.
4 loads of extra washing. Cos apparently we have a limited number of summer clothes.
2 snapped scrunchies. I like to pineapple my hair overnight when it’s hot, but I have a LOT of hair.
8 early alarms. I refuse to get even the relatively cool District line in rush-hour, so was leaving at least half an hour early each morning.

5 lunchtime picnics. Various parks.
184 (approx!) moans of “It’s too hot.”
2 arguments with dogs owners. Do NOT leave your dog in a car, and do not talk it for a walk along the pavement in 33 degree heat. The poor thing was hopping as it’s feet were so hot! Grrrrr.
4 nights when I refused to put the oven on (1 where I refused to eat anything hot). Our Cusinart grill machine was a life-saver!
25 seconds in the flat each evening before I turned the air-con on.

And now I have a craving for a Mars Bar ice-cream…! How did you find the mini-heatwave? Are you enjoying the slightly cooler weather or praying for it to get blisteringly hot again?