A few weekends ago I was lucky enough to spend a short time over in Zurich…though admittedly not for leisure! Switzerland just happens to be one of my most favorite places ever since I first visited four years ago, so it was nice to have the opportunity to see a bit more of the city.
Whilst I didn’t get a huge amount of time to explore, I did have a good wander along a very small section of the lake, had a good nosey at all the lovely buildings, and appreciated the extreme efficiency of their train system (whilst getting confused about which ticket I needed to buy). There was plenty more I would have wanted to squeeze into the two free hours I had to spare, but the cold temperatures and hot chocolate cravings meant I actually saw very little.
I did, however, succeed in buying almost too much chocolate for my suitcase to class as hand luggage on the flight home. #sorrynotsorry
Have you ever been to Switzerland? What’s your favorite European city?