Fashion Magazine

Lifestyle: 2016 Resolutions

By Ninegrandstudent

It feels like only yesterday that I was coming up with my 2015 resolutions; I can’t believe it has come round so quickly! Last year ended with some of the best moments of my life, but it was also the year I felt the happiest about myself, felt more comfortable in my own skin and really started to make sense of where I want to be several years down the line. 2016 is a big year for me; I’m due to graduate, we’re planning to start planning the wedding later in the year (eek!), I’ll be making a start on my career and professional studying, and (fingers crossed!) me and W will be moving in together for good.

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Like last year, I have a lot of goals that I want to work on over the year. I like to set myself a large amount of smaller things to work on, over all aspects of my life, rather than just one or two big aims. I find it more attainable that way, though I’ve already admitted that this strategy didn’t quite go to plan last year!

This year I’ve set myself resolutions relating to blogging, university/work, lifestyle, cooking and I’ve added in a budgeting section too…so here goes!

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I couldn’t set myself some resolutions without challenging to push myself further with this blog. I guess the biggest challenge for me in 2016 will be deciding what I want to do with the blog long-term – after this summer I will no longer be a traditional student so am looking at a bit of a name-change, a slight revamp and a possible change in focus. Who knows?! What I do know is that I’d love to start making my blog a bit more topical, taking inspiration from the news and magazines, not scheduling so far in advance.

More immediately I really want to start working on my photography. Whilst I think my eye for a good shot has certainly improved and I have been really proud of some of my images, it’s now time to start making the most of my camera – stop using pre-set modes and take it into manual. I haven’t had it set to complete auto for a while, but I’m determined to take the plunge and do it properly!

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Ah, the big one! I guess the main aim here is to graduate with a degree I am proud of, and obtain a job that I love. I don’t want to end up settling for a job, just because I’ma graduate and I need one, I really want to be able to use my degree and my experience. Fingers crossed!

Smaller goals I have set myself include to keep on top of my physio exercises (long-term readers will know I suffered from RSI in my writing arm during second year exams – I’m now battling to keep this at bay until June!), and just make the most of my final year. I’d also like to kick off studying for the rest of my professional qualification with a bang – but we’ve got to get a job first!

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I think cooking was the area where I had most success last year – I pretty much succeeded with all my goals. This year I want to make sure I drink a lot more water than I have been doing, continue experimenting with new recipes (I definitely have enough cookbooks!), and perhaps cut down on more processed and refined foods. My diet is pretty good, but I could perhaps clean it up a tad!

Things I want to make include: a homemade from-scratch burger, perfect sweet potato fries, pitta breads, and proper digestive biscuits. So much for healthy eating…


A new one this year, but one that’s beginning to be quite important! I’m possibly a bit unusual (at least with respect to my friends) in that I’m not too fussed about saving to own a house/flat – I want to live in London, and realistically it’s going to be a long time before I could pull together that kind of deposit, so I’m more than happy to rent. Instead I’m saving towards the wedding, towards having nice holidays with W, and to do that I need to put together some kind of savings plan. Over the next few months I doubt I’ll be able to save much (if any!) however as soon as I start working I want to shove as much as possible away. As long as my laptop survives (I may have split a glass of water a few days ago, it’s been a bit temperamental since!) I should be able to at least save a good chunk of an academic scholarship I receive, and all of my long-awaiting tax return. Any saving tips will be gratefully received!

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Here we go, the mish-mash of goals. As ever, it’s a resolution of mine to take up running. I’m absolutely determined to do it one of these years! In a pretty similar vein I also want to make sure I stay as healthy as possible, keep the weight I lost off, and generally just stay happy with my body.

I want to learn to knit (I really should crack on with this!), properly clear out my wardrobe and have a good sort-and-sell of all my old things. I want to make sure I take time to relax and not burn myself out. But most importantly I want to make the resolution that I try to remain positive at all times, try to concentrate on the good things, remember the parts of my days that made my smile. Here’s to 2016 being a good year!

Do you set New Year’s Resolutions? What are you hoping to achieve in 2016?

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