Creativity Magazine

Life is Good

By Vickilane
Life is Good
I'm feeling pretty mellow as I write this on Wednesday night. The Great Unpleasantness in DC is over -- for a while, at least, and as an added bonus, Cory Booker has won the special election to be the new senator from New Jersey, beating out a Tea Party candidate endorsed by Sarah Palin. Oh, yes indeedy!Life is Good
And my shoulder, that I injured in a fall last month, is showing signs of improvement -- I visited the orthopedist last week and was told that I may have a small tear in the rotator cuff but it might not need surgery. I had a date with a physical therapist on Tuesday and was given a series of exercises to do three times a day. They are already making a difference!Life is Good
So yesterday afternoon I planted pansies in the entryway -- I love these little beauties that will bloom all winter long. Snow doesn't bother them.
Life is GoodThe triangular bed badly needed a little something -- the crepe myrtles had grown so tall that this summer we could only see the flowers by craning our necks back and staring up up up. John and the chainsaw to the rescue.We will hope for abundant growth next spring and beautiful, viewable blooms next summer.  Till then we'll enjoy the graceful trunks and the pretty pansies,Life is Good Posted by Picasa

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