Career Magazine

Life Intentions Inventory List Examples

Posted on the 24 January 2017 by Lifecoachbloggers

Intentions: To illustrate intentions, imagine that you are a sales professional who is sells apartments. Intention is your motive, or your purpose behind any act. what is your intention behind selling apartments as a sales professional:
  1. Sell the apartment to make money
  2. Sell the apartment so that you meet your monthly sales target
  3. Help your prospect to get the best deal and value for money
  4. Suggest the best apartment according to the prospect's needs and desires
Interpretation: Interpretation is the perception, or assumption, you have about yourself, others, and situations. For example, when the prospect objects by saying, "I'm not interested in whatever you are selling", what is your interpretation about the prospect:
  1. I think the prospect does not have enough money to buy this apartment
  2. I think the prospect does not have trust in me
  3. I think the prospect already has an apartment
  4. I think the prospect needs more information about the deal.
Inference: The difference between interpretation and inference is, interpretation is your perceptions, or assumptions, about yourself and the prospect BEFORE and DURING the conversation, while, inference is the conclusion you draw out of context, about the prospect and the situation. For example, if the prospect buys the apartment after a firm persuasion made by you, you would conclude:
  1. I think I have to persuade every prospect to make a sale
  2. I think it was luck that this prospect accepted my offer
  3. I think prospect is quite rich and has the ability to buy two more apartments if I had persuade even harder
  4. I think the prospect liked the way I persuaded the offer.
Inverse (Boomerang): In certain situations, what you think of others is what you think of yourself. If you expect others not to make mistakes, you expect yourself to be perfect. if you hate people who get angry, perhaps, you will hate yourself if you get angry.
We come across several self conflicting situations in life. It includes mental and physical health, relationship with others, and professional aspirations and goals. It includes how we react or respond to changes.(Intonation)
Intensity: Intensity is the degree of emotion and feeling during an event. For example, how do you feel when you sell an apartment?
  1. Very excited because you feel contented, satisfied and pleased about the sale and you are happy that your prospect has got the best deal
  2. Feel OK and move on to the next prospect so that you achieve the target for this month
  3. It does not mean anything to you because it is part of your job achievements.

How emotionally close you are with the others is intimacy. Self disclosure is one example of intimacy. People's sensitivity level about an idea differs. Something that is sensitive to you may not be sensitive to others. Intensity is the degree emotions and feelings during a life event. For example, how deep you feel when you either win a lottery ticket or lose a job. It determines our emotional sensitivity.

1.1.8 Inflection: 

Inflection is the variation of your emotions, feelings and thoughts based on the people and situation. For example: imagine that your confidence dropped when the prospect said, "I'm not interested", how quickly did you change your attitude to optimism, encouraged yourself to give more benefits to the prospect rather than getting discouraged.
And, imagine that you were very happy the moment the prospect accepted your offer. Now, how quickly were you able to retrain--hold down--your excitement and closed the sale in a calm and composed manner.
How quickly you resume yourself (Inflection).Mood swings, and feelings are some examples our emotions. And, how do you feel when there is a conflict or when you make mistakes, or when you face failure in life. Sometimes we are confused why internal conflicts happen. Feeling guilty, handling failures, your thoughts, feelings and opinions about the mistakes that you've made in life are some examples of intrapersonal conflict. Once you identify them it will be easy to resolve them through self motivation skills. You have to identify your personal decision making styles that include perception, ethical, apathetic, rational and legal.
Once you are aware of yourself, your beliefs, your thoughts and your personal values, you can decide whether to cherish your life or would you like to change it through self regulation or just stay where you are right now through self management. So, for self regulation and self management, self awareness skills provide a ground. Above all, you will be able to solve several intrapersonal conflicts in life if you are aware of yourself.


To introspect is to find out your own feelings and thoughts. what happens to you when you make a mistake, why do you make mistakes in the first place, how do you feel when you fail to achieve something. when do you get angry and why. How do you handle embarrassment and guilt.

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