Life Coach Magazine

Life Can Begin to Unravel If You’re Not Cautious

By Bren @Virtual_Bren

How often do you hear your friends say “If only there was more time in the day”? I am guilty of saying just these words and way too often. So often that I finally had to bite the bullet and re-evaluate what I was doing.

Life Can Begin to Unravel if You're Not Cautious

I have been blogging at MGP for over 2 years now. It’s almost family, however, I’ve also starting my writing of short stories (as most of you are aware). Writing and publishing of books takes a lot of time. Truly, I did not realize how much. So I started slacking off with my blogging to devote more time to writing. This is my 2nd paying job. ;)

Then I began to enjoy more time with my family. The hubs and I are getting along really well and going out on the weekends having fun. My dog and I are also spending more time together playing and keeping up our training. You know, dogs don’t live forever and I want to get as much quality time in as possible. Again, my blogging efforts took the back burner.

And there is soooo much pressure maintenance with a self-host blog! I have all these bells and whistles installed to keep spammers out yet they continue to try and sign into the dashboard; post; and just been a royal pain in my ass! Quiet frankly, although the ride was fun while it lasted, it took a lot of the FUN out of blogging and I noticed my posts suffering from it. How many times did you hear/see me try to walk away? One too many times, that’s how many!

Life is too short. Don't let it slip you by.

I am a hobby blogger and I am content with that. The bigger my britches got, the more my posts changed, and I saw a different clientele arrive. The bloggers who loved my snark, sarcasm, and bluntness started to shy away. :( Then I started posting social media posts and the guru’s came to visit (and I liked it) and I felt honored however MGP began to lose it’s original purpose. I truly missed my old self. I look back at the earlier posts and although they were not so professional, they were FUN and y’all could relate! It made me and MGP unique.

I’m Taking It Back!

I posted on My Girly Parts, my self-hosted site that we were closing. Amazingly enough, I remembered I still had my FREE MGP site and could upload all the posts and use as reference. Once I began importing and cleaning up the posts, I thought “Hey Bren! Why not just keep MGP alive on a FREE platform and just post whenever you can? You’re not wasting any money on hosting and you can continue to share posts when you get time!”

Ding Ding!

Then Linda Ursin notified me of her contributing post to MGP. Holy Crap! I totally forgot! I offered to allow here to share her creativity post on my author site, Jayme Rayne. Then I got to thinking once more! Why not post on my FREE MGP site (here) and help keep MGP going!

That is exactly what we did!. Did you catch Linda’s post Motivation and Confident through Creating Beauty?

So, my posts might be once a week but MGP will remain alive. Those who contributed in the past will see their posts are still here, except for Alicia and Sheryl I believe. They did not have previous user accounts here.

With that said, I would like to thank all of you for your continued support. You truly do inspire me and encourage me to push myself and for that, I’m forever grateful.

On another note, as you know my writing is very important to me as well, October 1st and 2nd you can obtain a FREE eCopy of Betrayed: Love and Trust Lost on my Author Site or by visiting my Amazon Page directly.

Thank you again my friends!

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