Entertainment Magazine

Liebster Blog Award

Posted on the 20 February 2012 by Impsndcnma @impsndcnma

Hi to all my readers. Recently, I have received a Liebster Blog Award from Andina, who maintains her fabulous Inspired Ground film site. Thanks again Andina! Now I shall do the honor and pass this award onto 5 other worthy blogs.

 Liebster Blog Award

“The rules are that the winners have to pay forward to other people whose sites are worth the recognition. If they accept the award, they should: thank the person who nominated them; nominate five other favorite blogs with fewer than 200 followers, and copy/paste the Liebster Blog Icon into their post.”

1. First I’d like to nominate Anna‘s website, Split Reel. Her mission is that she mostly focuses on Drama, Thrillers, Crime and Sci-Fi. Split reel is interested in what’s going on in the world of film (award seasons, casting, upcoming projects). One of my favorite posts of her’s was Split Reel’s 123 films everyone should see (http://5plitreel.wordpress.com/123-films-everyone-should-se/). Check out her blog and follow away!

2. Lately I’ve been enjoying the posts over at @ The Velvet Cafe. Written by Jessica who nourishes an old friendship with anything geekish, such as sci-fi, fantasy and adjusting fandoms. I applaud her style since it isn’t just reviews and trailers, but really gives an insight into what she enjoys in film and actively seeks feedback from her followers.

3. On the other hand reviews, can be great if someone who has written tons of them has keeps up with it. There’s over 700 insightful reviews over at Pick ‘n’ Mix Flix. I recommend you stop by and listen to Colin tell you about many different genre’s of films.

4. One opinion is never enough right? How about three opinions? Over at 3 Guys, 1 Movie the three guys discuss what they like about the films at hand. It’s fun getting all those varying opinions on a film. Recently they were contemplating the ending of Take Shelter.

5. Last, but not least. Everyone should go check out Ronan’s blog over at Filmplicity. While he doesn’t post everyday his posts are consistently engaging. One of my favorite recent posts of his talks about what famous quote you’d like on your grave.

Sorry if you had more than 200 followers, but I think these blogs deserve some recognition.

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