Yay!!! I got nominated for the Liebster blog award!!! By Kira Basset Be you blog She is super adorable and you should definitely go follow her right now :) and see how she answered her questions, and check out Her Nominees. So Without further ado
"What's the The Liebster Award? It’s a way to get new bloggers with less than 200 followers more recognition! If you get nominated then you must answer the 11 questions set by the person who nominated you, and in turn nominate another 11 bloggers and set your own 11 questions for them to answer :) The official rules are:
1. You must link back to the person that nominated you.2. You must answer the 11 Liebster questions given to you by the nominee before you.
3. You must pick 11 bloggers to be nominated for the award with under 200 followers.
4. You must come up with 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
5. You must go to their blogs and notify your nominees."
SO here are her questions for her nominees and my answers!1. If you could only wear one makeup product for the rest of your life what would it be? This is Such a hard question because their are so many brands and products from those brands that i like, plus each makeup item that i wear on a daily basis like foundation primer concealer mascara etc, usually my ESSENTIALS are Primer, Foundation a touch of powder and Mascara, But i think out of what product, it would be Foundation Which foundation? this changes a lot as far as brand goes but what I am using right now and really love and would buy again is the physicians formula one.
2. What would you buy with a million pounds? I would buy a house, a huge Makeup and fashion shopping spree ;) wouldn't we all start a business so i don't go broke after spending it all, and help out my family.
3. What is your favorite make up brand? Tarte
4. What is your favorite hair style? i Love loose up do's and different loose braid styles.
5. Why did you start blogging? I wanted to start a new hobby and it seemed to be a great way to express myself and express what i am passionate about, and meet new people who are interested in the same things i am.6.Describe your style in one word; Casualchic LOL, My made 1 word :D
7. Who is your celebrity crush? Hmm, i had to think about this one for a minute actually lol, but i would say Harry styles from one direction
8. Who/what inspires you? I always wanted to have my own makeup brand and be a makeup artist so i used to think Marlena was super inspiring you know Makeup geek, now that michelle phan has her makeup brand out, she is pretty inspiring too because she is pretty much living right now what i hope to be and have, she has her makeup line which is what i want some day, which is why i used to love Marlena because she was pretty much what i wanted to be even before i knew who she was.
9. What is your favourite accessory that you think can make anything look good? My hello kitty or pearl earrings.
10. What is your dream job? I want to be a successful makeup artist with my own makeup line and run a super successful beauty related website and business where people can come and share their ideas looks and thoughts. over the years i have had so many different careers i wanted to do, at first a photographer, a writer for a movie, music, or a writer for a magazine, then i wanted to be the editor or founder of a magazine, a fashion designer then a fashion stylist, then a makeup artist, lol i switched it up a lot in high school. I want to have a career where can combine all of these things, and that would be my Dream Job.
11. Favourite colour? Was already pink but i am really loving Coral, and turquoiseOkay now MY LIEBSTER NOMINEES ARE!!!!1.http://100daysofmakeup.blogspot.ca 100 days of Makeup Written by Lucy Ridley2. http://peachpowxo.blogspot.ca Peach Pow Written by Tamsyn-Elizabeth 3. http://peach-party.blogspot.caPeach party written by Penelope
4. http://www.inspirationsparks.com inspiration sparks Written by Laura
5.http://ameliorerlavie.blogspot.ca Amelior la vie Written by Lisa
6.http://lauralovesthat.blogspot.ca Laura Loves that written by Laura
7.spotsandstripes99.blogspot.co.uk Tickety Boo Written by Katie Hunter
8.http://rachelsbeautybites.blogspot.ca Rachel's Beauty Bites Written by Rachel
9.http://victoriajane-reviews.blogspot.ca Written by Victoria Jane
10.http://frankiebooxx.blogspot.ca/ Frankie Boo Written by Frankie
11.http://shelleyboo168.blogspot.ca The tales of Shelley Written by shelley These are my Top Favorite Under 200 follower Blogs
I really put some thought in the blogs i picked, instead of just choosing people who are friends or Blogs that we already follow each other i went out searching for new blogs over the past few days, and over the past few days these were the blogs that i found, That either i totally loved and were definitely my favorite under 200 follower blogs, blogs that i loved and their owners really put work into their blog and didn't just borrow content and borrow pictures for every single post. I really felt the blogs i chose really put work into the content, pictures, design, etc.
I Really hope all of you like my Like my blog Back, Enough to show the support back by Following with GFC that would really mean a lot to me, and i would be happy to mention you all again, Because i genuinely really like all of the blogs I have selected.
I followed you all Already, Hope we Can be Google friend connect Buddies :)
And my questions for you guys to answer are...
1. What got you into blogging/What made you start a blog?
2.What is your Favorite Makeup counter/Store to shop at?
3.What is your Favorite Fashion/Clothing shop to shop at?
4. Do you have a Role-model and if so who is your role-model?
5.How do you brain storm Blog post Ideas?
6.Who is your Favorite blogger and why?
7.Who is your Favorite youtuber and why?
8.What or who is your biggest inspiration and why?
9.What about beauty/fashion blogs do you like?
10.What is your favorite type of blog post?
11.What type of beauty blogger do you consider yourself? Guru, Expert, this is how i do it/this is what i like, regular girl reviewer, style/beauty Teacher, Reviews from an expert etc.
Hope you enjoy your questions don't forget to link it back to me, and Nominate bloggers with under 200 followers because the whole point of this award is for really great New bloggers to get recognition and find new followers who love their content, etc.
Hope we can be Google Friend connect buddies :)