Politics Magazine

Liberal Democrats Are Part of the Problem – They Have to Go

Posted on the 05 May 2017 by Calvinthedog

The vast majority of liberal Democrats I know love the Pentagon, the Army and even the CIA! This is what I mean when I say liberal Democrats are crap. Liberal Democrats are Daily Kos. Go on over there. Tell me when you find one liberal Democrat to say one word about the glorious Pentagon, Army and especially that CIA shrine that they worship.

You won’t find it. Liberal Democrats have got to go. The Democratic Party has got to go. It’s part of the system, and the system is totally contaminated. The American system is like a container of spoiled food. Trying to fix the system within the existing institutions is like throwing in more and more good food to try to drown out the spoiled food. That doesn’t really work. You just end up spoiling the good stuff you threw in and now you have an even bigger pile of spoiled food. Spoiled food goes down the garbage drain. That’s the only solution.

Likewise with America. The whole damn system is spoiled rotten. We need to get rid of the whole thing, crush and destroy all of these crappy institutions, both horrific parties, the vile and horrific Orwellian media, the whole nine yards. Renewal through creative destruction.

In that sense, I am with Steve Bannon.

Bannon is said to be Alt Right. And I am Alt Left. As awful as the Alt Right is, they do share one thing with the Alt Left. We both think the system is beyond reform. We both want to tear down the whole decrepit mess and throw up a brand new building.

Bannon and I are both Leninists, but he is a reactionary Leninist and I am a revolutionary one.

The system is cannot be fixed. It’s far too gone for that. Time to trash it all and start anew. From the ashes of the collapse, a new Phoenix shall rise to renew and rebuild. Hopefully this time we can sort of do it right. Even 5% right would be ok by me. It would still be an improvement!

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