We often feel lonely and think that there is nobody with us in some situations. It is a dreadful feeling which most of us feel and fear. Fortunately, there are many ways to overcome this feeling of being all alone.
The first thing is that we must try to keep our self as busy as we can. The more busy we are the last chances of thinking and feeling lonely. Take part in social work, get a job, join a gym and there is so much more for you.
Spend more time with you friends and family. They are the best part of your life. No one else will give you a wiser advice than your elders. Discuss matters and try to solve them. There are so many people around you who will definitely care.
Use the word 'no' and express your feelings. Don't feel pressured and let yourself breathe. If you don't like something then say it.
Do not feel awkward in a gathering. Don't feel being centered. Take it easy and be friendly with everyone. Pass a smile, it works!
Be a nice presence. Do not nitpick others appearance. They do not want to be reminded that there is a stain on their clothes when they can't do anything about it.
Open your mind, think creatively and give less time to the feeling of being lonely. You have so much around you which you will appreciate.
*Remember that reaching out to someone else lonelier than you could give you more happiness than you could imagine.